Fockea edulis This is one of my recent acquisitions, so I have little personal experience with it. It has a vining-type growth pattern, but this one is not a fast grower like some of my other vining plants (Ipomoea, etc.). Pruning will induce more branching. There is a milky sap, similar in appearance and consistency to some of the Euphorbia species. I am told that if you want this plant to get big, and they do, you must keep the caudex buried and in a relatively large container or raised bed. It is in a rich, organic and well-draining mix. It loves to bake in full sun, but keep the caudex protected, as it will burn.
Correct! edulis gets larger faster if put into large containers. The following photos show the growth over 5yrs starting in 2002, quarter for size reference. Seedling was purchased in a 3in pot, which I quickly stepped up to a 6in or 1 gal. 2004 it went into a 5gal pot, 2007 into a 10gal container. You can see I've pruned the roots to keep it short and fat.