Where have all the good gardening shows gone? I used to love watching programs like "A Gardener's Journal", "Garden Diary", or even "From A Country Garden" on Dish T.V. One of my favorites was "The Canadian Gardener, with David Tarrant". Are any of these available on Canadian T.V.? If so, maybe I could hook up an antenna, or rig up some rabbit ears to my tin foil hat. Bring 'em back dish!
I agree Gordo, TV today lacks substance. They only seem to want to promote controversy or talk about how people feel about things, instead of giving us real information. I would love to see David Tarrant back on TV or perhaps on a web-based show. Write to CBC. (If somebody dumped a pile of money on the garden, we would do it!) Well there is always rental. You won't normally find this type of thing at the rental store, but they can be special ordered from their websites. Not a garden video, but I rented a documentary called Microcosmos recently and I highly recommend it for its incredible views into the hidden areas of nature.
Brian Minter has a video set out there somewhere. I too agree with the lack of local talent on current TV. There is Gord Nickel on Sunday morning TV from Cannors Nursery (although the show is not oriented to or promoting the store directly). I have been interested myself in doing a show but so far no offers. One audition for a HGTV show that is being filmed here but I guess I have a face more suited to radio as I didnt hear back. HA. Even that (radio) I dont seem to find any offers around. I was a guest on a radio show a few times in the early 90's, Greenleaf garden talk but it no longer exists so, tough beans on me. Eric, are there any shows on the UBC radio station?
There don't appear to be any gardening programs on UBC Radio. Not sure what the chances of such a program would be on a station that is dedicated to young college listeners.
Eric, true enough re: listening audience. Maybe I will call Mr Minter and see if he wants a weekend off from his show? :)
When is Mr. Minter's show ? Does it have a name ? A friend mentioned there are garden shows on cable on Fridays or Saturdays at 3 or 4 in the morning which I haven't managed to catch yet !
I think Brian Minter has a show on star fm (studio is based in Chilliwack so its an easy commute for him) on sunday mornings. and some spots on CKNW here and there.
Found a few audio programs on the Web: http://www.podcast.net/show/82657 a few under the garden section here (and other interesting programs): http://www.publicradiofan.com/podcasts.html http://www.bbc.co.uk/cumbria/features/gardening/gardening_programme/index.shtml I am sure there are more. I don't have time to search right now.
There is one good argument for getting the BBC channel - I am a great fan of Gardeners' World. Even though I don't think it's as good as when Geof Hamilton was hosting the show. And I get to watch Top Gear too! I still watch Victory Garden. Why? Habit, perhaps.
The thing about the shows I see now is they always say something wrong. This morning we were told bareroot stock establishes quicker than potted. Then they said to give it a big hole to spread out the roots, ended up with the roots of the plant used all pointed off to one side. Yesterday another production had a sequence on pruning fruit trees. Told us orchard apples HAD to be pruned so they looked ugly, whereas ornamental crabapples didn't.
Ron. I agree there are some strange off the cuff statements made on some of the shows. They should do better research prior to the scene, surely they have the time. Or get an actual expert in to advise and let the host be the smiley face with a curious whit.
I'm with you folks! The HGTV channel should just be HTV because there is no real gardening being done in Ontario in the winter. I guess the rest of us on the west coast don't count. I often appreciate the "rock mountain filter" as I call it, because the Toronto conciousness is not my cup of tea. (no offence intended to those who are Easterners).... But seriously, I do notice a rather stilted offering of shows these days. A lot of silly make-over stuff. The only show of that nature I enjoy thoroughly is a BBC production called Groundforce. The design concepts and the processes are most ingenious and the cast is quite entertaining. All in all a very good show. As far as currant Canadian tv offerings, it does feel like it lacks. No real education even when there are demonstrations of various planting information being offered. I too have watched installations of shrubs and trees that really made me wince. Now considering this multi billion dollar business and the fact that gardening is supposedly the hottest hobby in North America this 'lack' of media coverage is interesting. Seems like you can watch more people play poker than talk about botany.
That "Gardening with Cisco" show is usually on on the weekends on King 5 (I get it on shaw digital cable up here in Canada).
I think Anne Taylor has pin-pointed the problem with programming, certainly around this region. Many shows are geared to eastern and cold zone gardening. But, that does comprise the majority of the Canadian gardeners and national programs are geared to attract the largest possible audience. It is easy to lose interest in programming that tells you to "never plant anything before the May long weekend!", or "how to winterize your Rhododendrons". Get up and Grow is about all we have locally on Vancouver Island. I'm not sure if it's still being produced or we get re-runs.