Hello, Could anyone out there point me in the direction of a good Canadian supplier of grape vine cuttings or grafted and potted plants.I live on Vancouver Island and find that types available in most nurseries are really just suited for table grapes or jelly.I would like to plant a wine grape that is not too fussy for the backyard grower and that can be obtained locally.I've heard that the'' Cascade ''is fairly hearty and makes reasonable wine. I am reasonably new to growing grapes ,but have several that I started over ten years ago with some success.The varieties I already have are the Himron,Niagara,Grey Riesling and Suffolk all from the local Walmart.I also have a 4 year old Auxorois I believe it is spelled that is coming along but seems to be a somewhat less vigorous vine.Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated. Dan
Hi rhinevine, there are a few wineries in your neck of the woods, and I would strongly recommend that you pay these estate wineries a visit, they may be invaluable to your query, and maybe they will include a few slips from their spring order planting...
Having perused these varietals, I think they are more suitable for the East and not the West Coast... I may be wrong, but I would prefer the Vineferas over any clones or Hybrids from non tempered stock...look to the local wineries first...even the OK valley.
hello, Thanks for the suggestions,I was curious as to the suitability of the offerings from Voloacanusery also .I did like the St.Croix they offer it sounds like a good one.The problem though as I see it is that their offerings are more for colder but probably drier climates.I'm not sure if this would be a big factor against growing them out here on the west coast ,they may do just fine .Certainly winter hardiness is not so important on Vancouver Island,but the ability to resist a marine climate would be.There is a Vinyard here in Nanaimo V.I. that grows the Pinot Noir with some success ,perhaps they would be a better choice .I'm just a backyard grower ,but will keep trying to find the right one ,thats part of the fun and I've learned a lot. Dan
St Croix and the other cultivars from the University of Minnesota programs are better cultivars for colder areas. You can grow some nice wine grapes in your area. Pinot Noir, Pinot Gris and other cool season varities will do well there. The Auxerrois you have is a nice wine grape as well. If you follow the this link it will give you some mopre info on the sources and cultivars for grape vines on Vancouver Island. http://www.wiga.ca/ Cheers