I just saw next door growing grape. Could not believe grape can grow in hot weather which is currently high triple digital, low in 70's Would like to know if only grape that can bear zone 9. Thinking about building steel gazabo and lay down dried wood posts on top for grapes to grow on top. Would it be best if I dig out, pour in rich compost and plant grape seed. I have see forum about seedless grape grow seed too. The purpose for grape vine is to give some shade but if it can mature in two years with some grape, but doubt it will be tasty for wine but that will be awesome. JR.
There are V. vinifera and eating grapes growing in zone 9 California, Australia, Med. Europe, and North Africa....so the winter is compatible, it's the high summer temperatures, low humidity, and lack of rainfall that you need to protect the grapes from. They will withstand drought but not desert, irrigation is a must as well as some shade.
I live in Zone 8 in Florida, and I have hundreds of wild muscadine vines on my property. They grow like weeds here! Muscadines are very different from what you might consider ordinary grapes, with thick skins and large seeds, but they do taste good, and reportedly make good wines--especially a port dessert-type sweet wine.