Good morning H. A top graft Orangeola, which will spread and cascade down over the years, it will be a stunner. Especially in that lovely setting. Great profile photo also H, is that your woodland?
Good morning D! I'm very excited about the Orangeola, I was worried for a little, always nervous buying things like this online but I think it will be just fine. And thank you for the compliment on the photo, it's one of my favorite trees down here. I dont think it's going to be for much longer though with the bank erosion. Yepa! 6 acres down in the hollow, next to no cell service and no internet providers but I think it's a fair trade off.
Hey all, back again. I ordered a book to hopefully keep me from bugging you wonderful people with so many novice and possibly irritating questions..buuuut the delivery service has gone hay wire with this book and apparently they cabr figure out if I live in Virginia or on the whole other side of America. With that being said, sorry guys. My first immediate question is, the Orangeola I planted isnt getting as much sun as what I think "direct su light" means, definitely getting sun, from around 2-3 PM on it's in dappled shade. Should I replant this to full blown sun asap? Thank you.
Good evening H, first of all, you ask as many questions as you like. We are a community on this forum and we all enjoy helping each other. So you are not bugging any of us at all. Next your Orangeola. Yes it needs some sun, but the old adage is morning sun afternoon shade. So if it is getting direct sun from 2 to 3 pm every day, then that is more than enough. Especially when it gets very hot in the Summer months. So IMO I would not move it to more direct sun. It will colour up nicely. Hope that helps H.
Hey all, I wanted to thank all of you again and sincerely apologize for my dropping off the world for a bit. I dont want anyone to think I came just to selfishly leach knowledge from you all and then just rudely ditch. You have all been more than amazing and patient with me. Long story short, things just got super hectic here. But I'm supposedly getting access to an internet service for the first time in my area ever! And if this does pull through, it will make my interactions far far easier in the future. But anyway, boy have we had some adventures with these trees in the down time. Whew. If I'm still welcome I may bug you all in the future, but for now I just wanted to apologize and Express my sincere gratitude as best I can. (Not sure if I should tag names or not for this, just hoping that it notifies you all appropriately.) Edit: just wishing I hadn't used so many repetitive forms of you and all.
Dandiestpanic, there seem to be people here who live for the next posting, so I'm sure you're still welcome. Re: the tagging, you can be certain that the immediately previous poster will be notified. Anyone prior to that who read the last posting will be notified. That's probably most people who have replied to this thread, except for me (I'm replying as a moderator, don't really read all the maple threads, just happened to read this one). Just tag the people you particularly want to reply to. It's not considered good form to hand-pick the people you want to direct a query to, though, unless it relates to something they have said. Start new threads for new topics. Six percent of our large province of British Columbia does not have internet access, but it never occurred to be there would be places in Virginia like that.
No need to apologize, sometimes "dropping off the world for a bit" helps. I'm sure the "regular posters" here will appreciate your support, and be happy if their advice is useful.
@wcutler Haha well I'm glad you happened upon my post, and thank you. It is surprising how many pockets there are in Virginia without internet access and limited or zero cell phone reception, ither than horribly over priced and next to never working properly satellite internet. It's hard for mountain dwellers and especially people that live in the hollow like I do. It doesn't help that there aren't any real draws for outsiders in my area, so there for we get put on the bottom of the list for any sort of advancement. @AlainK Haha sometimes a pull back definitely helps. Thank you again for the recommendations and help you offered before. I have been letting it do it's own thing, the Orangeola suffered some damage but I believe I saved it and it's doing alright. For some reason it is the only tree I have that is being attacked my Japanese Beatles though. Hahah like I said, we've been having some adventures since my last postings. Hope all is well for you.