Oh nooo... :( Any idea? It's a beautiful native (and protected) wildflower... and it's really very hairy!!! :)
YES! P. grandis!!! (P. pratensis subsp. hungarica = P. flavescens is a bit different: http://www.carpathianbasinspecies.eu/2_Vascular_Plant_-_Tracheophyta/Species/Pulsatilla_flavescens/index.html)
Lila, fantastic photos of a really hairy plant. We do not have Pulsatilla in Portugal, but once I was lucky to see Pulsatilla vulgaris growing wild in England. I have never been very successful when I have tried to grow any Pulsatillas in my garden - which is a pity as they are such wonderful flowers. thank you Brian
Bonus stumper for Pulsatilla-fans: these are the neighbours/best friends :))) of the Pulsatilla above, but what plants are they? :) (They are also typical grassland flowers in my area in march/april.)