I have a succulent I think is over watered? Maybe? It was given as a gift, I don’t know what kind it is or how to keep it alive. I tried taking it out of the dirt and drying it for a couple days but then worried it was making it worse. Please help!!
Yep. Too much water. it's rotting at the base. It looks like a Senecio of some sort. Most of these grow as ground covers so the floppy look shouldn't be too much to worry about. They usually strike quicker than the waterside unions so you should be able to rescue it Suggest cutting the plant above the rot and re potting the healthy part into a well drained potting mix that's designed for succulents. The mix it's currently in looks to hold too much moisture Place it somewhere bright but not too sunny. Water it twice a week. It should be ok
That could be way too much water, considering that we're not doing much "sunny" around here. I don't water anything more than once a week, and I'm in a SE/SW corner and my plants aren't even succulents. And I've read suggestions to let a succulent cutting callous at the end for a day or two before potting it. Here's the first article I found: How to Propagate Succulents: The Easy Method to Grow New Succulents From Plant Clippings It says to start with a healthy plant. Well, you've got what you've got, may as well give it a try. What I started to say was once you pot up the cutting with soil that is not totally dried out, feel how heavy it is. After you water it, feel how heavy that is. Don't water it again until it is much closer to the weight before you watered it. You can water it until water comes out the bottom and it feels much heavier, but make sure all the water has dripped out before setting it back on a saucer, so that it is not ever sitting in water.
Fair enough Wendy and very valid points. My suggestions for twice weekly watering was based on you guys living with central heating, bright light and using a specialised "well drained" succulent potting mix or even coarse river sand. The mix it's currently in is too heavy Once a week should be ok. My rationale is that if it was gift then Lidiya needs to try something With Senecio and Carpobrotus cuttings we don't bother with callousing (Yes for trickier plants)