hibiscus plant

Discussion in 'Hibiscus' started by hydr0155, Oct 2, 2007.

  1. hydr0155

    hydr0155 Member

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    Cornwall ON Canada
    hi I Just transplanted two hibiscus plants into pots and would like to know when I should bring them into the house for the winter and where should I put then. I live in Ontario
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    If these are Hibiscus rosa-sinensis they should have come in during September, bring them in immediately. This tropical evergreen shrub requires warm, bright and humid conditions free of frost. If they are H. moscheutos or H. syriacus these are outdoor plants that spend the winter in a dormant condition, will not be successful overwintered indoors.

    If these are something like H. trionum such types are grown as summer annuals, left to be killed by frost in fall, and replaced each year with fresh seedlings near the beginning of the growing season.

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