Hibiscus this morning.

Discussion in 'Hibiscus' started by galen, Dec 14, 2008.

  1. galen

    galen Member

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    Midwest, Missouri
    This one plant will bloom and bloom. It's now Dec. We have a cold front coming with temperatures in the single digits. This thing with not stop blooming!

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  2. togata57

    togata57 Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Columbus, Ohio
    Whyever would you want it to??? It's beautiful! What a delectable shade of pink.
    Give us all some details on where and how you keep it in such fine fettle: light, temp, water, any special treats it likes.
  3. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    You might want to move away from the glass a bit while it is going to be so cold.
  4. galen

    galen Member

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    Midwest, Missouri
    Thanks for the advise. I did move her away just a bit. Well over night she added two more blooms. It's seems that the more I ignore her the more she like's it. LOL To answer the questions of my care for this beauty is pretty simple. I wait until she really wants a drink. The leaves show an ever so slight wilt or droop. Then I give her about 1/2 gal of soft water. Warm in the winter so as to not cool her legs down. Every other watering or once a month, I give her chelated micronutrients with her food. In the summer, she sits right out in front of the house with FULL unobstructed sun all day. Water every day. She has very loose bark chips to aid in fast draining soil. As you can see, even in the summer she just blooms, and blooms. She snuck into this shot of me dusting off my old jalopy.

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  5. togata57

    togata57 Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Columbus, Ohio
    If that's your old jalopy, what does your lovely new Caddy look like?
    There appear to be two hibiscus relatives in the middle distance. Do they live with you, or are they just visiting?
    Thanks for the info. She obviously likes what you are doing! Hibiscus, just like the rest of us, thrive when some kind person gives them what they need. ---This summer I vow to fertilize my own hibiscus and get it blooming again. Your example inspires me!
  6. galen

    galen Member

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    Midwest, Missouri
    Togata57, the left one is a Valenica Orange tree. The right one is a Mexican Lime. We have hardy Hibiscus on the place but the tropical one's I really like. Behind the red ceder is an old barn that is coming down this spring and will be replaced with a greenhouse that I'm just starting to design now. I'm thinking I want in-floor radiant heat, with a small area that is gravel the length of the building. So I can hose down the floor and it drain down and out the floor. But add humidity. There is not a flat spot on the property so draining won't be a problem. This all the room I have now. I'm getting away from Hibiscus, Sorry.

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  7. togata57

    togata57 Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Columbus, Ohio
    Oooh...gorgeous. Your photo brightens this gloomy winter day!
    Good luck with the greenhouse, and keep us posted on your progress.
    Why are you getting away from hibiscus? You clearly have a way with them, and they like you...? Possibly an intervention by Dr. Phil is called for. "I bloomed and bloomed for him...but he replaced me with a Valencia orange!"---???
  8. galen

    galen Member

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    Midwest, Missouri
    LOL Oh gosh, I have many Togata. I mean in subject matter. Ever since the wife and I went to Big Island, I'm hooked. The big yellow one's are hard to beat. The greenhouse will be home to Plumerias, Hibiscus, and several different citrus. This what it looks like here at 3:00 PM central With more to come. I've been pushing snow all morning. I'm froze! G

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    Last edited: Dec 24, 2008
  9. togata57

    togata57 Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Columbus, Ohio
    We are getting freezing rain here: snow later.

    Big Island...lovely. You have the tropics right there with you! Nice. ---I do have several orchids preparing to bloom, as well as a moderate-sized Christmas cactus. Guess that is my wish for all forum members: may we all receive joy from our plants! And may we all be good caretakers thereof---both of plants and joy.
  10. galen

    galen Member

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    Midwest, Missouri
    Well said Togata. When I find sucess in growing or find it easy for me to grow certain plants, it gives me great plesure. As I'm sure most on this forum would agree. G

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