Here is my lemon tree that I grew from a seed. I''m unsure as to the actual age. I believe it's about 5-6 months old. Also, I would like some tips on watering and feeding. How often should I water (I want to compare to what I'm actually doing)? There are also some tiny little flies that have been flying around/on it for a month or so now. They don't seem to be harming any thing. Are they bad or good? Do i rid myself of them? If so how. Also take note that I just misted it (I do this once or twice a week). I also have it sit in an island in the middle of a tray of water for humidity. What am I doing right, what do I need to improve me trees longevity? Thanks, Chris.
Congrats on the lemon tree. The little flies are most likly fungus gnats and if they are then they eat the roots of the plant and the organic matter in the soil. You cant really get rid of them because they well fly away and just reproduce in the new soil. Do you remember how you germinated the seed? I got some lemon seeds from lemons at walmart.
I used the usual paper towel in a baggie. Moisten the paper towel and I put it near a heat vent / my laptop (which seemed to speed things up) Thanks for the heads up on the little flies, I'm searching and it appears that they are the right ones.
In response to the bug problem I re potted my plants in new soil that was dry before, and washed the soil off the roots. I also put them in another room and I will bring them to another location to grow. I hope the shock doesn't harm them. I like my lemon plant :(. It's my baby.
I's originally from Winnipeg. Welcome to the forum. For bugs I've purchased insecticidal soap, made my own by adding a few drops of dish washing soap to a litre of water, and given the whole plant and top of soil a good spray of horticultural oil (Neem Oil for me). It wasn't until I suggest reading through this forum to find out what you need to keep your plants happy. There is a great deal of good information on here. My plants are now happy and growing with no winter leaf drop yet this year with -a very fast draining growing medium of either coconut chips, orchid mix with less than 25% peat/compost, -a heating mat for seedlings is wrapped around a clay pot which is all put into a second clay pot keeps my roots above 27 celcius, -south facing window, outside in the summer, inside in the winter with a 40w compact fluorescent bulb, and -watering well when very dry with a 300ppm water soluable fertilizer in the summer and 150ppm in the winter. Miracle gro 24-8-16. I've added some epsom salts (Magnesium Sulfate) at times because I read about it here. Good luck
My plants got fungus gnats last summer and I found some garlic put it in a cup and put it by them. I also covered the soil in a couple of centemeters of play sand this made most of the gnats go away but some still stayed. Tha gnats dont like garlic and cant lay eggs in play sand so it would help.