hey everyone thanks for checking out the post. i started my first trellis (16ft x 16ft)last may with 2 vines now it's dec. and i have 11 vines. right now i have 1 wild muscadine (i really dug it up),1 hunt muscadine, 1 black muscadine, 2 bronze muscadines, 2 summer royal grapes, 2 flame grapes, 2 thompson grapes, and plan on getting 2 concord vines soon. well my question is how long will the vines produce edible fruit. ive read a couple post and have seen some people saying their vines are at least 40 years old but are they still producing edible fruit at 40?? all replies are welcome! thanks in advance! happy holidays God Bless You!
Most grape vines live for many-many years and some that you just planted will probably outlive you. There fruits quality will improve with each passing year. The older the vine the better the wine.
wow that is great news! im only 23 so we will see! and about the wine comment thats exactly why i started the trellis even though the ones ive planted arent "wine" grapes. thank you and merry christmas!!