I might be paranoid?

Discussion in 'Maples' started by Luke’s Maples, Mar 31, 2021.

  1. Luke’s Maples

    Luke’s Maples Generous Contributor

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    Oxford UK
    I have a quick question that only someone from our world will know the answer to lol

    Can/should/how would I insure my Japanese Maples? Where I live now they are not as secure as my last home. I’m worried about waking up one morning and then being gone.

    I guess it probably would come under house insurance but as I’m renting a room in a shared house it would cause complications undoubtedly.

    Anyway, just pick your brains...

    Thanks all

  2. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    Good afternoon Luke, not paranoid at all. Our collections are precious to us and to have some or all stolen would hit home very hard. I have witnessed the effects of thefts for 30 years and people never really get over it.
    Now most insurance cover is normally under house and contents with the addition of garden etc. But in your circumstances there are companies in the UK that cover trees and plants as a separate policy.
    This is something you could look at.
    I have added this link for info only. I have no connection with the company whatsoever. So not advertising, before anyone jumps down my throat..
    Garden Insurance - Plant and Tree Insurance | Hiscox UK
    The next thing is should you insure your collection ?? I don't tbh and none of my friends do who have very big collections. Will the monthly cost outweigh the cost of replacing one or more trees ?? Probably will tbh.
    Now to put your mind at rest, you can contact your local police station and ask for tbe crime prevention officer to visit or have a chat on the phone. They can then look at crime stats for your area to see what the prevelance of garden theft and or plants and trees. If it is minimal or zero then IMO I would not pay an insurance company any money for very little risk.
    If you want to chat about it you have my number. I will turn my phone on this time. Lol.

    Luke’s Maples likes this.
  3. Luke’s Maples

    Luke’s Maples Generous Contributor

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    Oxford UK
    Haha, thank D. I don’t think I’ll be going down this route but I just wondered if anyone had done. I have most 70% of my trees in the front garden. It’s literally going to keep me awake at night. I think maybe a security light and/or camera maybe a more suitable option if I were to go done ‘a’ route. Thanks again D ;-)
    Acerholic likes this.
  4. AlainK

    AlainK Renowned Contributor Forums Moderator Maple Society 10 Years

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    nr Orléans, France (E.U.)
    It's the same with valuable bonsai, some of them fetching K€uros, the cost of an insurance is prohibitive.
  5. Margot

    Margot Renowned Contributor 10 Years

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    Nanoose Bay, BC Canada
    Coincidentally, this story ran in our local newspaper a few weeks ago: Sentimental bonsai trees stolen from grandfather’s Saanich property - Vancouver Island Free Daily.

    "Saanich Police says officers are investigating the theft of several bonsai trees, believed to have been taken between Feb. 23 and 26. The stolen trees include evergreen, larch and viburnum trees planted in oval or rectangular pots at the time of the theft. The trees range in size from a foot to 18 inches tall."

    As Acerholic says, people never really get over it.
  6. AlainK

    AlainK Renowned Contributor Forums Moderator Maple Society 10 Years

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    nr Orléans, France (E.U.)
    Yep, you can replace a maple but the years of caring, shaping a bonsai, that has no price. Not to mention the pots that can be pretty expensive too.
  7. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    These are often stolen to order and unless you have good identifying photos it is hard for Police to trace. In my area there is a Country Watch officer who specialises in this and other crimes of this nature. I always used to advise burrying an ID marker that is just your own and in a place only you know about and again photographing. A bit like chipping Horses and Dogs etc etc. So much is often found that is suspected of being stolen, but cannot be positively ID'd by the aggrieved and so the suspected offender gets away with the crime and the item is consequently not returned to it's lawful owner. So sad to see !!
    I could go on and on, as this was my baby from 2007 until retirement, but I will leave it there, 'for the moment at least', lol.
  8. Shin-Deshojo

    Shin-Deshojo Rising Contributor

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    That's a good post @Luke’s Maples

    I can't give advices but talk about my experience.

    When I bought my house I had that thought as my collection was expanding and I can't live without my trees and would be very sad and may start a depression if I had one stolen (jk) but we all know what attach we can have with our maples that we grow since many years or that are rare or did costs a few hundred and would probably cost more if we had to sell them as they get older and thicker each year.

    I did take an extra insurance at my bank that covered any damage or steal in my garden.
    I don't remember the cost but I can say it wasn't that much but it's probably because I have all my money, insurances, and loan on that bank.
    I never had to use it but I always felt confident having that insurance.

    I am about to stop it as I am moving soon.
    But as I own also bonsais and they can get some high price value as @AlainK said.I am actually thinking to go ask again what would be the cost to have a new insurance for the garden where my trees are actually.

    If I see it is not a moneyholepocket for me I may consider it as I think it's worth it.
    A money refound will never replace a loved tree but it can help to keep moving on.

    I guess it depends on everyone's situation and what value you give to your trees and personaly I know all of my maples are a good amount of money if I group them all together so...
    AlainK and Luke’s Maples like this.

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