@sun, A you posted as I was typing, lol. A lot of work that will pay off long term. Preparation is everything and you are preparing thoroughly. Well done !! Look forward to seeing them in place over the weekend.
@Acerholic., D I am soo happy, I have planted the 7 maples I intended to today. I was working yesterday since 3 p.m. after my workman lefand today had left until it was to dark to work and have started today in the early morning till 6 p.m. with only half an hour lunch break. I wanted to finish it today, because tomorrow will be good long rain for them to be watered thoroughly. Since I finished working I cannot stop looking at them from the terrace, the living room ,the balcony and so on. I cannot believe that they really are there now when I could only see them in my mind for the last months... Pictures of different perspectives: The next step is to order soil for the hedge and also equalize the floorlevel in the area between the maples and the hedge. Than it will also look more tidy. My husband will also lay new cables for the mow robot and some new pipes for the irrigation. Would you try to avoid that the leaves of the maples get wet regularly when the lawn is watered in the late evening or is that no problem?
@sun fantastic A, very well done you. Now to sit back and enjoy what is to come in a few weeks. Colour, colour, colour!!! Regarding the water splashing on the leaves from the lawn irrigation, if you have hard water it will leave a small amount of residue, but no harm will be done. Late in the evening will not be a problem at all IMO. I do not like tap water at all on my maples, too many chemicals!!! But sometimes it happens, so do not fret about it. Well it's been a lot of planning and work, but your photos show the reward. They will only get better and better. Very pleased for you A.
@sun no more imagination needed A. Your Koto no ito will glow a wonderful orange/ yellow very soon. You will definatly look forward to the early morning light every Autumn when this cultivar is at it's best IMO. Just as the sun rises is best. A mug of early coffee, staring at your trees will make you feel quite contented.
@Acerholic, I already feel contented now as I know I can sleep long and do not have to work like a war prisoner from dusk till dawn tomorrow;))) Good night! @AlainK , thank you, I also like its fine leaves, good night!
@Acerholic, good evening D, I haven't been on the forum in the last days as our kids had school start and I had to fill the trenches for the hedge with the soil that was delivered to our drive yesterday. I ordered too much (14 cubic metres), so we will still have quite a heap left for future projects;)) My husband is also laying new hoses for the irrigation at the moment, so that they do not interfere with the new maples. I will post fotos when all the pipes are buried again and the floor levels are equal. I think 2 days of rain were great for the maples as all the fresh, dry soil was thoroughly drenched. They all look fine and I think it will ecen look better with the hedge behind it.
@sun good evening A, that is great to hear and that soil looks amazing. A lot of work moving it all, but your hedge is going to have such a great start. Whatever you have left you may be able to create another mound for a weeping dissectum!!?? But first things first. The hedge!!! Your new maples will go into transition to Autumn colours very soon now, so do take time to enjoy them and take photos so that you have a photographic diary of their progress. Look forward to seeing how they look. It's going really well !!!
@Acerholic, yes, its good organic compost soil, concerning new maples, they will have to wait till next year, my garden project for this year will be finished after planting the hedge. Afterwards I really need to catch up with a lot of other things I neglected since spring. But I will be reading about pruning maples over the winter... Btw, concerning the ornamental cherry I asked you, I think probably it would also be good to thin it out as it has never had any pruning till now. Do you know if it also should be done at the end of winter or this october? I will take fotos of my maples,good idea!
@sun good evening A, yes now is the time to just enjoy all the hard work. Regarding your Prunus, it should be done in April to July. There is a fungal disease called Silver leaf that can kill the tree if pruned at other times. A photo diary is not only a fun thing to do, but also to look back on and see how much your trees have grown. You will be surprised!!! I hope you have enjoyed the experience of planting up a maple themed garden. I'm glad I've been able to help a little. D
@Acerholic, thank you D, it helped a lot, and I will post updates, probably not so often as recently, though...
@sun good morning A, I'm pleased I was of help. Understand that you now want to just relax and enjoy your garden. I'm sure you will want to post some Autumn photos in a few weeks. We will all look forward to it.
@Acerholic, good afternoon D, I just wanted to say hi! I haven't thought about maples at all for some weeks now since school started. It is a quite challenging year for my kids as the teachers pressure them to learn as much as possible because they do not know what the future will bring coronawise. So I translated a lot of Cicero and Ovid with them and helped them with their Spanish, while helping my daughter to find a nice student dorm/flat for next autumn when she will start her studies in Vienna. But I can report that until now there is almost no fall colour yet. I am taking regular pictures as you advised me so that I cannot miss it. I think we are a lot later than you in South England. Only my big October Glory and my ornamental cherry are turning red now.. In 2 weeks time my hedge is going to be delivered. I will send fotos then at the latest.
@sun good afternoon A, lovely to hear from you. Yes we remember the days of the new Autumn term and how busy it all was. Our eldest is a head teacher at a large school here in Hampshire and she has told us that it is all very challenging for the children of all ages at the moment. But they are adapting well. The colours will not be long now for you to enjoy and I'm so pleased you're keeping a photo diary, in a few years you will look back at them and be astonished at the growth. I and others will look forward to seeing your photos in a couple of weeks or so of everything finished, well for now at least !!! Lol.
@Acerholic and everyone Though I haven't had time for the forum, I have worked a lot in the garden and I have welcomed some new members of my Acer family. I think in about 2 weeks I will be ready to share fotos of them. We removed the shed and relocated the chicken coop, so there is a whole new area for acers...
Good morning A, that sounds very intriguing, more new maples and the shed gone!! You have been busy. I look forward to seeing your photos. I bet the rest are looking amazing now as well.
Yes, they really make me happy! Here are some of them: Beni Otake and Autumn Moon I love the different shades of Autumn Moon! Tsuma Gaki, Moonrise, Butterfly and Atropurpureum...
Superb, all looking lovely and clearly thriving. The placement of the Orange dream looks good, I guess it gets sun shade from the large red tree behind it.
They are looking fantastic A. And that mulch sets them off perfectly. You must be so pleased. I think my favourite from your two postings this morning is your Autumn moon, it just glows in the sunshine. You have been away from the forum for a few months, but now back with a bang !! I've really enjoyed all of these this morning.
@dicky5ash thank you and yes, it is a prunus and Orange dream gets only sun till noon. @Acerholic thank you, I really enjoy them, and I am looking forward to show you all my new arrivals as soon as they are settled. But I think it will probably not be before mid of june.