Indoor lemon tree is dying! Help!

Discussion in 'Citrus' started by Citrus72, Sep 21, 2020.

  1. Citrus72

    Citrus72 New Member

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    Ontario, Toronto

    Can someone please help me.
    I had this lemon tree that is being kept indoor.
    I heard two reasons for yellowing leaves can be over watering or nitrogen deficiency.
    I didn't water it for 5 days and I feel the leaves got worse as in they become yellow!

    I also gave it fertilizer twice within two months. I am not sure what else I need to do. I have attached some photos of the plant itself and the fertilizer I used.

    Also one of the lemons is turning brown, and I am not sure what the reason for that is.

    I know sunlight is an issue since winter is coming, and I am planning on getting artificial lights.

    I appreciate any help! 16007087313804512162032470076433.jpg

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  2. Sulev

    Sulev Contributor

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    AFAIK, citruses are sensitive to salinity, so high fertilizer doses can be harmful for them.
    Two fertilizer doses within 2 weeks, just before plants start to prepare for almost dormant winter season, why?
    Citrus72 likes this.
  3. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    I don't think this is a nitrogen deficiency since the newer leaves are still green. Most of the yellow leaves are near the bottom of the tree and are thus the oldest. Therefore some of the yellowing and leaf loss can be attributed to normal leaf senescence. The tree seems to be lacking in new growth, perhaps from insufficient light. Which direction does the window face? Place it behind one with the most light.

    Don't water on a schedule but rather as needed. Allow the soil to dry somewhat before watering and use the relative weight of the container to decide when.

    Citrus trees are heavy feeders and should be regularly fertilized. For an actively growing tree twice in two months or once a month is not excessive. The NPK ratio of the fertilizer you're using is good and I believe it also includes micronutrients. You should not encounter any nutrient deficiencies if you continue to use this regularly. You may want to apply at half strength during fall and winter.
    Citrus72 likes this.
  4. Malina

    Malina New Member

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    London ontario
    I’ve been experiencing similar symptoms with my lemon tree. Were you able to resolve this?
  5. Will B

    Will B Active Member

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    North Saanich
    I agree with Junglekeeper, the leaf loss looks like normal senescence probably due to lack of light and the feeding seems fine. I would pick off the fruit (or at least the damaged one) as fruit consume a lot of energy from the plant, get rid of any dying leaves as they could get fungus, and make sure you give it lots of light.

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