Is this damage I should worry about?

Discussion in 'Maples' started by Riverdale27, Jan 10, 2022.

  1. opusoculi

    opusoculi Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Bordeaux sous-west of France
    Photos are P 1.
    Small dark spots (september 21) have become in january 2022, grey clusters or pustules if i can say.
    My enlarged photos from an other tree shows brown areas around grey clusters.
    Your photo 1014.jpg from to day send to compare, shows the black invading the whole branch.
    Blackening = cambium dead, that the definition. Below the thin bark of young Acer cambium is dead
    pseudonomas bacteriosis blackening don’t began with pustules or clusters.
    The filaments of a fungus growing in the green cambium => blackening and kill it.
    We are in présence of an wood pathogen, one of a large list producing cancers and dead of branches.

    --It is not Eutypella disease because Eutypella develop inside the wood, in the phloeme, so no blackening can be observed.

    All fungi wood cankers have the same annal process .
    During autumn/winter, the grey clusters produce reproduction which is dissiminated by rain and wind.
    Reinfection may occur repeatedly.
    The inoculum you have on yours trees i very hight, you can’t prune. Your climat predisposes to the fungal canker attacks , they are known to affect plants already weakened
    or poor growing plants.

    Copper treatments are PREVENTIVE =>sprays inhibit the reproductive organs.
    But copper treatments ARE NOT CURATIVE. (some exceptions exists for open bacterial cankers disease but not for fungi disease, they are closed).
    Plant tissu don't assimilate copper, so the sprays you are doing are not able to rich the fungus filaments of the fungi canker/ or few, perhaps 3 to 5%.

    I express a wish.
    Take time to visit Choteau nursery in Belgium, he is a very good grower, one of the best. Phone and take a date with Choteau father, speak clearly with him, he could be of good advice.
    A journey through there will enchant you.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2022
    maf likes this.
  2. opusoculi

    opusoculi Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Bordeaux sous-west of France
    RE . I add also cropped/enlarged photos from yours.

    Attached Files:

  3. AlainK

    AlainK Renowned Contributor Forums Moderator Maple Society 10 Years

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    nr Orléans, France (E.U.)
    Sorry for answering so late. Here's a link:

    Hydrogen Peroxide for Plants

    The hydrogen peroxyde we find in pharmacies is 3%.
    In France, the 35% is apparently only for professional use. From an online vendor:

    "Ce produit est soumis à réglementation. L’acquisition, la détention ou l’utilisation de ces produits par le grand public sont soumises à restriction. Il ne peut pas être vendu sans justificatif d'une pièce d'identité et de déclaration d'usage. Aucune livraison ne sera faite sans réponse à cette exigence."

    As I said before, I used it as a spray on the branches and also in the soil. As far as I remember, something like 1 volume of 3% to 4-5 volumes of distilled water.

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