I recently noticed a disturbing growth near the base of one of my grapes and attach a photo below (knobbly growth lies within black box). The growth parallels the trunk for about 3 inches and consists of knobbly growth that is more corky in texture than the adjacent hard wood trunk. I am concerned that this may be root crown gall although at this point it does not look quite as ``gallish'' as pictures on the web (ie it is less rounded and more longitudinal). The shoot growth on this vine seems slighltly weaker than that of others in my yard. Can anyone speak to whether this is root crown gall or something else? Any recommendations on action? Should I remove it and start again with a new cultivar? remove it and avoid planting in the same spot? The vine was planted last year and so is not yet fruit bearing. Many thanks in advance
Ron, Ralph - thanks for your thoughts. My inclination, based on your opinions, will be to leave the vine in the ground for another season to see if it perks up. My concern is of course that if the vine is infected with something, that it will migrate to other vines... This particular vine is obviously weak since it has only half the growth of another specimen of this variety which is thriving only 10 m away. I didn't mention it in the initial post but the upper parts of the (1 yr) old leader are kind of mottled - instead of being a reddish brown in colour there are parts which look bleached - see attachment below thanks again for your opinions, Michael