ISO Hornbeam Maple

Discussion in 'Maples' started by VAacer, Apr 9, 2024.

  1. VAacer

    VAacer New Member

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    Richmond VA
    Hey guys/gals, this is my first
    post here, cool forum by the way…
    I’ve been on the lookout for the straight species Acer Carpinifolium ( Hornbeam Maple). I know there is a cultivar ‘ Esveld Select ‘ out there but I’d like the species, does anybody have a source on these ? I’ve tried seeds from two online sources and actually collected my own seed but apparently they are a dioecious species so the seed I collected was most likely unviable due to it being a lone soldier , I’m wondering if the seeds I got online were as well. And out of curiosity, what is the common rootstock used for ‘Esveld Select’? Thanks for any input! There isn’t a whole of info about this species out there, and seems to be hard to find for some reason. Look forward to exploring the forum/ previous threads!
  2. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    Good morning and welcome to the maples forum @VAacer
    Hornbeam maples are propagated by seed and softwood cuttings. So IMO Esveld do not use a rootstock. I might be wrong, but thats my thoughts.
    An enquiry to Mr Maple might be the way forward in purchasing Acer Carpinifolium for later in the year.
    emery likes this.
  3. VAacer

    VAacer New Member

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    Richmond VA
    thanks for the reply ! I went down there to tour their nursery about a month ago, and they said they didn’t have any at the moment but they were going to try to bring back the ‘in the wild’ series which would be oddball Acer species and hopefully they could get some A. carpinifolium. So the search continues until then… thanks for the info.
    Acerholic likes this.
  4. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    That's right, Esveld Select is usually cutting propagated.

    Yes, A. carpinifolium is dioecious so most seed that you see is parthenocarpic (empty). There is a reliable account (de Jong) that it is /mostly/ dioecious and so once in a while a tree can be auto-fertile, but I've never heard (a reliable) account of it actually happening.

    On the other hand, the species isn't ultra hard to get hold of, so with a little bit of searching you should find one. 'Esveld Select' is a lot harder to get!

    Or a good seed supplier should be able to set you up with fertile seed. I think it does involve double stratification, but haven't tried. -E
    Acerholic likes this.

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