Japanese Maple for color blindness people

Discussion in 'Maples' started by lcc, Oct 7, 2024.

  1. lcc

    lcc Member

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    San Francisco, California, US
    TLDR: trying to find maple cultivars that are gorgeous yellow in fall color

    Hi I'm study this unusual topic bc I find that my partner is weak to identify red & green but he also like maple and I still want to make a colorful maple garden for him.

    I have 30+ Japanese maples and for most of them my partner cannot identify their beauty. He can tell bright red, but cannot distinguish dark red and greens. As a result, he prefers below cultivars that are yellow or bright orange
    * Akane or Orange Dream
    * Aureum
    * Emmett's Pumpkin

    But below cultivars looks just grey to him
    * variegated leaves -- usually green, white and pink variegated, but he see pink (a kind of red) as grey green. Same as variegated cultivars like rainbow or Fujinami Nishiki, he see dark or light red as grey
    * red cultivars -- usually red cultivars are just dark red not bright red, such as blood good. Not sure if he can identify the most red ones like spring beni-maiko
    * purple cultivars -- similar to red, since purple is darker, he see it as just grey

    Seems like yellow is the only option now.. Below are my collections
    * Dragon Master
    * Jordan
    * Autumn Moon
    * Aureum
    * Summer Gold

    I'm planning to get a Ki hachijo that is also farmous for its yellow color. If you know or recommend any yellow color or you have similar experience please let me know.

    Thanks a lot!
  2. lcc

    lcc Member

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    San Francisco, California, US
    Found Maple Collector's youtube introduction for yellow spring colors:

    Hot Blonde

    Acer buergerianum 'Michael Steinhardt'

    Acer rufinerve 'Sunshine'

    Acer longipes 'Gold Coin'

    Mendocino Sunrise
  3. dicky5ash

    dicky5ash Generous Contributor Maple Society

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    Northampton Uk
    Interesting topic! The following spring to mind:

    bi-hoo - has bright yellow bark too - that must be a good one.
    Anne Irene
    orange lace
  4. AlainK

    AlainK Renowned Contributor Forums Moderator Maple Society 10 Years

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    nr Orléans, France (E.U.)
    The plain, modest Acer campestre has butter-yellow leaves in Autumn...
  5. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    Golden Pond? Aoyagi is famous for yellow fall color.

    Acer cappadocicum has some of the best fall yellow around (the plain species, not 'Aureum').

    It's a very interesting investigation, which would make a great article. You should write it!
  6. lcc

    lcc Member

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    San Francisco, California, US
    Thank you guys! I do have Katsura and yes my partner like the bright orange spring color! I think Katsura & Akane are in the same category
    And yellow barks are good idea too!

    Yeah yesterday I asked around and found another two of my gardening friends saying that their husbands are also color blind.. Google says the poplulation is 8% of men and 1% of women, which is quite a lot.

    My partner loves plants too and we have been visiting local nurseries together for years, but a lot of times when I pointed out the plants or flowers I loved, he said "that looks nothing special" which is disappointed.. So I finally decided to make a change to this problem. It is quite a challenge because I cannot see what he sees...

    The overall idea is that garden have to be mostly green, so red color is gone (unless it is bright red). The remaining colors are yellow and blue, but blue is very unusual in plants.

    Current plan is to get a combination of yellow-orange maples & blue shade flowers with green camellia as background
  7. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    You're already looking at spring yellow, so I'll add A. platanoides 'Princeton Gold' to that, not a Japanese maple.

    You could update your location under Personal Details (click the user icon in the upper right) to give the area of the US where you live, maybe the state. That could sometimes make replies more appropriate for your climate.
    LoverOfMaples likes this.
  8. Otto Bjornson

    Otto Bjornson Contributor

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    chilliwack BC, Canada (8b)
    coral bark ( sangu kaku) always adds a nice yellow / orange flavor to the garden in the fall

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