Beautiful! It is encouraging to see what happens in TX and sunshine. Although you have more humidity than Boise, ID. I have a Butterfly as well and have read that it takes more sun than others. I guess I better get my JM's in the ground. Hey, I bought several Crimson Queens and Garnet for the low Prices at Walmart at the spring season's end, just because I know what they would cost elsewhere. I got my Butterfly at Home Depot and if they still have Viridis hanging around I'll probably pick that one up. But I could be too late...with Christmas stuff coming in. I'm talking about the smaller trees in 1 gallon or 2 gallon pots, not the bigger ones. I also ordered my first group of JMs last spring from Oregon, and they were smaller so just putting them in a gallon pot was a big thing. So I wasn't sure about them as planting them out just yet. We're going into our cold season where it might get down to 5 degree F. for a day or two, it isn't the norm for the Boise area. But in the mountains it is. Plus our snowfall was minimal last year as well. It never bothers me that it doesn't snow because I grew up in the bay area. But it is nice to get a light powder of snow in December and later see it melt away. I also have read that Sango Kaku can stand sun as well, and but then those places have humidity. So it is like Eastfork Nursery and testing to see how they do. I love Japanese Maples, can you tell I have been influenced by my Mom having one in a wine barrel in California and that my folks took me to Japanese Gardens as a kid and I visited my friend in Hawaii when I was 15 and have a love for Koi. And most every body had a pond or water feature in their yards in my neighborhood, and it was a modest neighborhood. But I had never seen Koi in their ponds, just pollywogs, goldfish and guppies. OH, and I lived next door to 3 landscape gardeners, and two of them were Japanese and had the neatest and most interesting yards. The other neighbor had the most perfect grass, roses, fruit trees, manicured shrubs, etc. And they had to live next door to a family with 6 children, a collie dog, and backyard noise from us kids having fun in swimming pools, that grew as we did. LOL Also, the green house that came with our yard was turned into my playhouse.
Nelran and alex66 Thanks for the great pics. Alex66 your Sango kaku looks wonderful just turning fall color. We are done with our leaf color here in the Northwest. Lots of pretty color laying on my earthmat. I am adding 20+ new cultivars to my website for sale in 2008 including Acer palmatum Baby Ghost, Green Mist, Green Snowflake, Muragumo, and several new shirasawanum cultivars - Garden Glory, 6910 Holland and Junihoye. I do not know alot about these cultivaars other than what I have read. If you have any experience with any of these I would be very interested in hearing from you. Thanks again for the great pics. Sam
Okay, Sam you have my attention. Baby Ghost sounds like something I would love to have and the other names are inviting as well. Alex, I went to you posting with the photos and commented I think. If not, I think the coloring is awesome! Right now my Sango Kaku leaves are in the yellow stage.
Thanks for your words, Karalyn. No doubt, it was a big effort here (it's my first year as a "gardener"), and now I'm enjoying it a lot. I'm planning in the future to build a pond with some stones, and a small waterfall to get some relaxation area; and of course, complemented with my JMs; and of course is an advantage if you have landscape gardeners as neighbors! You're real lucky getting these cultivars locally. I have 4 Sango Kakus (three of them already planted, and one in container). They're performing very well, but due it's their first year in that places, they are not as beautiful as Alex66's ones. (I hope some day to become nice trees). My neighborhood is pretty new, and it's still developing some areas with houses in construction all around. However, it's amazing what happen when somebody in the block decided to make landscaping and gardening the backyard: most of my neighbors came to see my garden, and they got the "garden fever" too, so now we're sharing experiences and trying to improve our areas. Nelson
Nelran, It is always great to hear about new gardeners and how their enthusiasm can infect others. That is my mantra in life. I may not be able to cut down on industry air emissions, but I can help people find the joy of gardening and adding plants and trees, especially my passion JMs to the enviornment. Our plants take in the bad air and give us back the air we need to live. What a wonderful and immensely satisfying feeling. You go Nelran - spread the joy!! I give discounts on my JMs to UBC forum members. Sam
Thank you Sam for your comments, certainly it's a wonderful season for the maples and for my first time I enjoying them "on live" and not in pictures! Certainly, you will have good variety with these new cultivars. I'm interested in one good specimen of the cultivar 'Tsuma Gaki' something 'medium size' of >2-3' tall, and a one 'First Gost', but they're hard to find, someting like shown in the pictures. Any hope?
Hi Nelran, I have both of these in very nice size 2 gallons. As these are my photos [LOL], I can guarantee you will be a satisfied customer. The prices on my website are higher than I would charge to Maple Forum members. So send me an email if you are interested and we can work out a deal. I accept Visa or MC, but I can also accepts checks or send a PayPal invoice. Not sure if you want to get into the ground during the cool season or wait for spring. Either way, no problem. I have a tag and hold program so that customers can get the the best I have to offer now, make payment, and then I tag and hold them until you want them shipped. I am a one woman operation so when I select maples for shipment, I look for the best one available, I had pack and ship all my babies. I guarantee a healthy maple at delivery. Nice mapling with you. Sam PS. One thing is that First Ghost needs shade anyway you can provide it.
Yes, I knew it, Sam. With reference to hot/sunny area, I'm really aware of this fact; so I'll give them a "five star" sevice: keep them confortable dapled and with plenty of drinking/healty beverages, as any good gest..... I will contact you. Thanks Nelson
tank for your comment...Sam you thing is possible delivery in Europe for your nursery? Nel "First Ghost" is a good choise i planting 3 years ago but not have a pics,Tsuma Gaki? i received this jm this week...
Well Alex, we're in opposite sides of the pond but it looks to me like we have similar taste (not only JMs, I like homemade pasta also ;-), So we can share experiences....
Eastfork/Sam, I have the same question as Alex, from a different place - can you ship to Canada?? Also, apropos the original posting on this thread, I should amend that I just realized it is not Osakazuki that I have but Otome Zakura. However, I do not need to ask about its performance in shade as it has been in shade in its pot all summer and fall, and is just now turning quite a nice yellow.
Hi all, Unfortunately, I only have shipping permits within the US. As I am a one woman operation I do not think I will be expanding, I am very busy as it is. Thanks for asking. Sam
ok if you go ln Italy call me "fettuccine " "lasaga" "ravioli" are present every week in my home ...with Chianti wine of course...
Alex, as a matter of fact we want to go to Italy in the next few years. I want to visit the nursery near Milan that originated the Orange Dream cultivar. Thanks, Sam
Nelson and Alex, you are making me hungry and I am trying to stay on my diet to lose 10 lbs before we leave for Hawaii next month. Nelson, did you get my email with the photos? Alex can I get your address to keep in touch prior to our Italy visit? I promise to keep it to myself. Thanks, Sam
Here in Seattle there's still a fair bit of color. My Shin Deshojo has only started coloring up this week, and only about half of my Oridono Nishiki is showing color yet. Kurui Jishi and purple ghost are also only just starting to turn. I still have prime color on Seiryu, Kiyohime, a couple of generic palmatums, and a shigitatsu sawa that it is new to me. Hoping it was accurately marked as 'aka' can't wait to find out in the spring. I think I'm going on about week 7 of full fall colour on my maples this year, it's really been quite a show. I did have a few that never really colored this autumn, mikawa yatsubusa and amber ghost most prominently. Shishigashira, Acer s. Aurem, & filigree had very brief shows this year, less than 10 days. Irish lace, green cascade, katsura, oregon sunset, eagle's claw, Tsuma Gaki and red pygmy are my fall aquisitions and I didn't get to observe them fully in fall plumage. My Sangu Kaku was spectacular. It held red stems all year in full sun, and the leaves went red at the tips bleeding inward at first, then gold appeared in the center, with the yellow slowly expanding back out towards the tips. Longest show of the year so far, it was first to show color and only just starting to drop leaves. Does anyone else see this red-tinged behavior?
realy this autum the red coulor is more present not only in Sango Kaku but in another maple ,like Capillipes, or for one better maple with red bark Pensylvaticumin Erytroclaudum in Europe the summer was very hot!and dry!(in Italy 4 mounths not rained)probability is the cause ?which conditions in summer in Seattle?
Hi Slickhorn, I am close to Portland and we had a week of freezing nites and no rain for nearly two weeks so leaves are now crisp if they are still on a tree. I know Mikawa yatsubusa turns late. One Mikawa I have is red and the orther is brownish green. My Purple Ghost was also late to turn, I still have some red/purple leaves on the branches. I never got much of a show from my specimin Aureum, cripsy leaves on top and color was showing on the lower branches, not worth a photo. As to Sango kaku I never studied it that close before, I do know the changes in color from gold to orange to red are spectacular. Thanks, Sam