AJ 'Fairy Lights' is a spectacular tree. I am up in Washington state and mine has already changed its color and droped its leaves, shame on me for not getting a photo of it. It is about 4' tall. One of the new trees which fall color was impressive was AJ 'Abby's weeping'. The tree had a wonderful dark purple edge with a green center, the colors looked like they had been painted on. The tree has a little more awkward growth patern than some but it s a nice new cultivar. Another tree which suprised me for fall color was AP 'Fairy Hair', it turned a dark purple/scarlett. I will add a photo of it in the next day. At 5' tall it is a very striking bush/tree which does get an interesting reaction from people.
Charlie, Are you growing AS 'Garden Glory'? Was wondering about this trees fall color. I have a 4-5 tree that grew beautifully in full sun in a pot. Leaves are still close to pristine but it has not colored at all so far. The plant that i grow is sturdy, good looking and has not shown any signs of stress, so far. gil
Gil I had a great AS 'Garden glory' last year, it was almost 7' tall and 8' wide. I will go visit it in the next day or so and get a photo of it for you. I had it durning last years fall and it was a fabulious yellow/orange tree. I had the tree in full sun all year and it did very well. In the bigger size the tree did get a little twiggy and did have a fair amount of dead wood on the inside but they may have also been from the fact that it was heavily fed at the nursery I bought it from. I really like the tree but it is not an easy tree to find a new home. Same is true about AS '6910' and AS 'ogura yama' both are wonderful trees but just do not create enough excitement during most of the year. I also believe part of these trees issue is they do not seem as fast as growing as the palmatums so they seem a bit expensive for a green leaf tree. You will love all three of them,
Hi Poetry and amazing.... The last two pictures I posted was my AJ 'Fairy Lights' at its peak. Now the leaves are dropping. Yesterday and today the weather on Long Island is rainy and the wind has kicked up a bit blowing some more off. Finally this past week my other jm's started their coloring. I love it! Elle
Here in central Indiana, fall colors have really popped since a brief cold snap last week. The colors on my japanese maples has been pretty good. I had really nice color to my Fairy Lights but came open yesterday to find a bare tree after a storm moved through the area. Interestingly enough, the nicest color I'm enjoying is with my generic green maple of which I am attaching a photo. I'm also attaching a photo of my young Coonera Pygmy. McHoop
Here are a few pix of the maples with good color on the 1 day that I remembered to take pictures. My maples began turning in mid September, and by now, most are past their prime. A few holdouts are still green. This year, many of my maples had a short window of color due to rain and windy conditions. The Sharp's Pygymy is a regular favorite. The Raraflora is new, and very impressive with 3 seasons of color. Koto no ito has the brightest colors of any of my linearlobum. The red ones all seem dull, not glowing. The seedling growing next to the fence is incredible this year, but last year was mostly yellow and was the last tree in my yard to turn. I limbed it up pretty heavily to build the fence this spring, so I wonder if that affects color ( I would think it might have the opposite effect) Tamuke yama is great all 3 seasons, but absolutely glows in the evening light. I planted that tree to appease my neighbor who allowed me to cut down a young Northern Red Oak in her yard, and she is very happy with the replacement. The rootstock are awaiting my first attempt at grafting this spring.
Here are a couple photos from my yard which I took today, one is of a 7' tall AP 'First Ghost' with a 7' tall 10' wide AP 'Chitose yama'. There is another photo of a 6' tall AP 'Ruslyn in the Pink' is is not a favorite tree but this fall it looks pretty nice with its orange leaves. The little tree is a 3' tall AP 'Earthfire' it is a wonderful scarlet color which catches your eye. The AP 'Sekka yatsubusa' looks nice with its fall color, it is about 7' tall and 8' wide. The tree itself is not impressive but the orange/red of the AP 'Tsuma beni' is wonderful. AP 'Ki hackijo' has some lovely yellow leaves thuis fall.
Nice Pics sasquatch and AmazingMaples. I am now getting some colors quickly in my garden. One of the first has been A. shirasawanum 'Jordan'. This wonderful tree just went from full yellow (which it kept through the summer) to orange to red. Gomero
A few shots of autumn color here. The wetness has affected the overall quality of the display this year. Lots of leaf spots and colors not as intense. Still, a number of plants are beginning to show some promise. The most brilliant display of all is coming from a group of Crepe Myrtles. File names are picture titles.
Wonderful pictures friends, thanks for sharing. Over in Northamptonshire the colour show is still going strong, the last ones such as 'Kiyohime' are just turning. After some windy days, a couple of my maples have lost their leaves, but mainly ones that looked stressed all summer after a harsh root pruning in the spring. The weather has turned weird here. After a low of 1.7°C (35°F) over a week ago the nights have turned mild, about 8-10°C (46-50°F), with the five day forecast predicting night temps of 12-14°C (53-57°F) and days of 15-18°C (59-64°F). Sometimes I find it hard to believe that Northamptonshire is on the same latitude as Canada and the southern part of Alaska. Hopefully the trees with remaining leaves will hold them awhile. Sango kaku, cameraphone pic so excuse the quality: I'm going to Westonbirt this week, if I see anything nice I'll post pictures here.
maf, Your weather is courtesy of the Gulf Stream. When I visited Ireland a few years ago I was amazed to see palm trees growing there in the South and West side of the island. This is where that warm stream of water hits land most directly, and the result is a climate unheard of in latitudes so far north. Enjoy. If things were different, you would be living on permafrost!! LOL!
I don't post as often I should but I wanted to share a picture that I took today with a new camera that we have in the household. It's my potted Shishigashira that resides on our deck. Even though its an old variety, it really has merit.
Hi everyone, Here in orléans (center of France, Loire valley), some of my maples began to put they Autumn colours two weeks ago. Since then, we've had a couple of days just below 0° Celsius, and most of them are now in their best Autumn display. My favourite this year is a small 'Orange Dream', the different shades on the leaves are incredibly beautiful. Another one is a plant grown from seed, a hybrid, probably between a seyriu and the common J. maple species since these trees are near where I gathered the seed (roadside plantations). For this one, the first photo was taken in August, the second one yesterday.
I said my new acer would be a weeper, I found it right here.. Tamuke yama, without a doubt and I have at least one site in mind.
Roanoke Maple This is a Japanese maple close to my home which I have followed for the past several years - a truly outstanding tree! I would venture a guess that it is a 'Crimson Queen", but I am not the world's best at identifing maples, anyway it's a beaut, about 8 feet tall. Swanny
Here are some pictures of my 7 feet tall Crimson Queen; something I can’t help to stop obsessing over this time of the year. Joe
Here is a Tsukushagata, an Inazuma and my yard which you will see from left to right; a 60 y.o dissectum, Ap 'Autumn Flame' dissectum, the Ap 'Tsukushagata' is behind it to the right, a 10' tall Ap 'Koto no ito', an Ap Iijima sunago is next, then an Ap 'Everred', As 'Moonrise (it has lost its leaves) behind the Moonrise is a Ap 'Inazuma, next is a 9' tall Ap 'Pixie' which blends in with a Ap 'Yubae', next is an Ap "Kashima' or 'Chiba'. the last green tree on the right is an Ap 'Mikawa yatsubusa' and the last tree is an Ap 'Seiryu' with red fall color leves
Thanks to all for the pictures - this has turned out to be a very fun thread. We have had great colors this year for fall. This is only my third year growing maples, but it is really encouraging as the prior falls had been rather bland. I just haven't gotten a chance to get some more pics taken. This is a pic of red spider, just planted this fall. I try not to post pics of trees just planted as they really don't reflect local conditions but I just loved the color of this little guy. Last year Sharps pygmy had this same color from the nursery but this year for me more of burnt orange.
Thanks. I inherited it about 5 years ago and I was told it was plated about twenty something years at that time, so I am guessing it is properly around 35 years old.
'Rugose' this year is much different than last. This year it has the grape jam with orange look, last year it was the most scarlet red of any in our yard. Many of the maples were much more orange than normal this year though. Any ideas why? Regards Cirque