Geez, Did you train 'Hanami nishiki' to get upright growth? Yours is the first HN i've seen that is taller than wide.
It seems that, in Western Europe, we have had the second warmest ever month of November, this explains some of the funny behaviour we are seeing in our gardens. I've checked out the garden today and basically nothing has changed much: 'Karasugawa' and 'Diane' continue with their beautiful fall display, most of the corallinum group maples are still green as are the two palmatum oddballs I mentioned in my previous post, and, yes, 'Shidava Gold' is also quite late changing colors. Many davidii and rubescens selections are also green. And, of course, the buergerianum that I have, labelled 'Nokoribi', not only is solid green but it is pushing new growth. I am convinced now that I have a quasi-evergreen buergerianum selection, it is not 'Nokoribi'. I have to find a name for it. Geezer840, welcome to the forum!, great pics!. I am most impressed by your 'Filigree', it is huge!, how old is it? Alex, Excellent, you are finally getting some nice colors! Gomero
My Hanami nishiki was a rescue plant I got last winter. It had apparently been fertilized in late summer or fall hand had about 4-6 inches of new growth that was killed off in the first freeze of the winter. It was a disaster when I got it and spent several days pruning off all of the dead wood. The shape when I got it was actually more tall than wide but I took of considerable growth. It recovered quite well this past summer but I hope it will fill in next year.
Gomero, Thank you for the welcome. My Filigree was planted early last spring as were all of the maples pictured except for the Shishigashira which was planted two years ago. I started with bare dirt and no plants in March of 2006.
All my maples lost their leaves about two weeks ago, except this one that was accidentally defoliated in August. I was away, and I didn't place it in the range of the watering system. It pushed new growth in early September, and it's been only a couple of days since some of the leaves are turning red.
Photos of the tree were in the posting before the quoted one. Here's a photo of the bare spring branches.