I am having more problems this year with rabbits making a meal on my young grafted Japanese Maples than I have ever had before. They occasionally hit a Ginkgo or two also. I have a few brush piles that I need to burn and I feel that this would help a great deal. I have been putting mothballs around my blocks of trees and plan on putting human hair in the vicinity of these plants. Other options that I am considering are spraying a dog and/or cat repellent, old pepper sauce, and an air freshener called "Money House Blessing Gold Offering Spray". This freshener may be a tool of practitioners of Voodoo, it looks like some of that New Orleans type stuff. I put too much work into my trees to have this go on much more. Maybe a granulated carpet freshener will work in warding off these terrible rodents. Any suggestions from others will be appreciated.
Forget the human hair and go to your local pet groommer and ask ffor a mixed bad of dog and cat hair . we had problems with rabbits in our pacthes of veggies it works great.
at the risk of repatriation (ok, I think I meant reprimand but it was late so sue me) by a local moderator, I know there is a retail product called "Skoot" which is an animal deterrent based on bitter taste, the original use for the product is as a fungicide. Active ingredient is Thiram. In addition there are products which incorporate "Bitrex" as an active ingredient as well that claim great results.
Web Definition: Repatriation - The return from abroad of the financial assets of an organization or individual. (via Google) Time to close your offshore accounts, jimmyq.
*grin* I originally was going to quote "The Princess Bride" - "I do not think it means what you think it means." I believe you meant repudiation.