The Prunus avium 'Plena' on 20th Avenue extending East for a few blocks are about 75% in bloom: A man just getting into his car underneath the furthest west of these trees told me that the city was trying to take this magnificent tree down, as it had a fungus that the other trees did not have. He said that there were other people (the VCBF?) who were fighting the city on this. I couldn't see any fungus, and the tree looked just as healthy as the others. Note: Compare to post #73
I got some better pictures of the Ukons previously mentioned in post #248 below ... ... and I noticed something I had not noticed before: If you keep walking east, past the Shirotae on private property that I mentioned before, ... you'll see four more of these, but they're not quite as far along as the front three:
Kiku-shidare looking good in bloom on south side of E. 36th, between Knight and Culloden, April 20, 2013.
Lovely little Shirofugen in private yard on south side of E. 30th, east of Fraser, blooming April 24, 2013.
I think I posted this previously in Collingwood-Renfrew, but technically, since it's on the west side of Nanaimo, it's in Kensington-Cedar Cottage. This stunning, very large, old pendula 'beni-shidare' (single red) is now in full bloom and quite an amazing start, both from far away and up close: I probably shouldn't have posted so many pictures, but I couldn't decide which to keep and which not to. Laura 3:)
Scrawny little Somei Yoshino (?) in front of 4786 Windsor is almost in full bloom: And this gorgeous tree of apparently the same variety, at 6 blocks north, at 24th & Windsor, previously (221) mislabelled (?) as Akebono, is in full bloom: Laura 3:)
I'm thinking Sargent Hybrid Cherry for the first one. Isn't this the one Anne posted in posting 224? She called it that too. The pedicels are looking very not-hairy. I think I agree about 'Somei-yoshino' for the second one. Am I just imagining I see hairy pedicels? The coarse branches look like what I've seen in a few 'Somei-yoshino' photos I've looked at lately.
I'm going to try to get a better shot of the big one if I remember, but it sure looked like the same kind of tree as the scrawny one to my untrained eyes. As for the scrawny one, there was only one, not two, but it looks like the one that Anne posted previously, as you say, as a Sargentii Hybrid.
Afterglows in bloom, here on east side of Elgin, between King Edward (E. 25) and E. 26, April 3, 2014. The paler pinks in the distance are its companion Akebono trees.
The Somei Yoshino tree at E. 24th and Windsor, in Glen Park, can be seen on Laura's Post #166, April 5, 2011 in case the following link does not work.
The Snofozam girdle. Two instances where the rootstock entity (I'm guessing it will be Avium) has asserted its identity, rising and wearing the Snofozam graft like a belt around its middle. April 4, 2014. In the first row of photos, the location is the back yard of residence at SE Knight and E. 14 (Kensington-Cedar Cottage). In the second row, the location is the front yard of residence at NE Fraser and E. 61 (Sunset). Cross-posted to Sunset.
Well, I had a walk around the 'hood this afternoon, and this is what I found: These afterglows were previously posted and identified by Anne (thanks - I never would've known!), and they're really gorgeous right now. The planting consists of six Afterglows and four Akebonos, stretching from 26th to 27th on Elgin St.: ... and here are the Akebonos in the same block:
Two Beni Shidares, one on 28th just East of Elgin, and the other, larger one on 29th just west of Elgin:
I got some better pictures of the tree we thought was a Somei Yoshino south of 31st on Windsor (4786 Windsor) - it definitely does not have hairy pedicels (if I got that name right): Across the street, in Greys Park, there is a new Rancho planted by the McBride Annex school:
On private property, at 32nd & Prince Albert, there's a magnificent Akebono: And across 32nd, there's this beautiful Yae Beni Shidare, not yet in full bloom, but still quite spectacular:
On 31st, just west of St. Catherine's, there's a brand new baby Akebono: But it can't hold a candle to this now brilliant display of Akebonos from St. Catherine's to Windsor on both sides of 30th Avenue: And that's the end of my stroll. Laura 3:)
Apologies to Anne - I should've known - the Yae Beni Shidare at 32nd & Prince Albert was previously posted: 176
The Ukons in the inner passage at Kensington Community Centre, previously posted in #246, are now in full bloom: Behind them there is a Kanzan just beginning to open up, and in front of the community centre, the two magnificent Shirotaes are just finishing their display: Meanwhile, the Amanogawas in front of and beside the Shopper's Drug Mart at 30th and Fraser are in full bloom:
The festival favourite 'Kanzan's at 29th & Ross, taken here from 29th & Elgin, are in full bloom now: And a few blocks away, on St. Catherines between 27th & 28th, there's another magnificent display of 'Kanzan's, and a 'Prunus Avium' thrown in for contrast: And Wendy promised to make the 'Amanogawa's at 30th & Fraser a new festival favourite if I took some better pix, put my name on them, and posted them, so here you go: There are four of them on 30th and 14 of them, some in better shape than others, along Fraser from 29th to 30th ... ... and just for fun, here's one taken by Mark Hamilton, which he calls, "Woman enjoying the blossoms":
My personal favourite 'Shirofugen', on the east side of Windsor, just south of 31st, from beginning to end: April 24th: April 25th: April 28th: May 5th: Laura 3:)