The majestic Somei Yoshino all by itself in Glen Park at 24th & Windsor is in full bloom: And at 22nd & Windsor the Akebono block previously mentioned in post #566 are now in full bloom, too: Same goes for the block of Akebono from Windsor to St. Catherines on 30th Ave.:
There's a very healthy-looking Akebono street tree in full bloom on the south side of 31st just west of St. Catherines: Just around the corner and a bit south, on private property in a back yard, but clearly visible from St. Catherines, there's another one, although the colouring is different, so I wondered if it might be a Somei Yoshino: On the south side of 33rd Ave. at St. Catherines, the double-red weeping cherry Yae-Beni-Shidare, is not quite in full bloom: Heading back up St. Catherines, I was able to get this shot of the Akebonos on 30th Ave., with the mountains as a backdrop: Then over on 30th just east of Fraser, the elegant Ito-zakura is in full, weeping bloom on private property in front of 720 E. 30th:
How can this be? Red eyes in blossoms of the three trees of 'Umineko on the north side of E. 10, east of Lakewood, in the yard of Laura Secord Elementary. Already past peak bloom at April 1, 2022.
Only one is left, of the three Sargent hybrid trees that were on the east side of Templeton, south of E 10th. Past peak bloom at April 1, 2022. Despite this mortal blow, a few shoots have emerged from one stump. Will the Sargent return, or will it be Avium?
The rancho on the east side of Windsor, just north of 33rd, is not looking too bad this year: Across the street, by the McBride Annex school, there's a younger one, looking healthier: Also, yesterday I took this pic from the car of the Akebonos on 20th Ave. going east from Knight Street:
Mikuruma-gaeshi is looking very fine, in full bloom at April 7, 2022 (one week earlier than last year) on the north side of Brock, just west of Nanaimo.
Kensington Community Centre may still be in cautionary mode, but the giant triplets of 'Shirotae' are throwing up fresh shoots. In full bloom at the main entrance on the west side of Dumfries (E.36th) at April 7, 2022.
Things have been pretty quiet in my neck of Kensington-Cedar Cottage, but the 'Kanzan' is starting to bloom - I'd say in about four more days some of them will be in full bloom. I say "some of them" because there seems to be a wide variety in terms of readiness - even in the same block. Here's what I found today: On 31st Ave, I found a lovely senior Prunus avium, and I got a close-up of the bent-back sepals for comparison to the Kanzan: The Festival Favourite planting at 29th & Ross is really not quite there yet, as mentioned above, but I couldn't resist taking a mountain shot for Acerholic: Around the corner on 29th Ave, going toward Elgin, the trees are mostly bare - they have buds, but almost no flowers have opened, until you get to the corner of 29th & Elgin, where there two trees that are almost completely open: On St. Catherines at 28th, the trees are also not quite in full bloom, but that did not stop some admirers with a selfie stick from taking some close-ups: Up on 26th at Prince Albert, there is a mixture of older, teenage, and baby 'Kanzan', and you can see that the babies are grafted lower down:
The festival favourites at 29th & Ross are now in full bloom (pix taken on April 20th), as are all of the other 'Kanzan' in the area: Also, the nearby 'Ukon' are in full bloom - 29th & Knight:
The lone 'Shirofugen' on the east side of Windsor just south of 31st is now in full bloom. It was worth the wait:
Date: April 26, 2022 Location: E18th Ave and Knight Type: Kanzan After the rain it looks like a lot petals fell down at some of the area. It looked beautiful like a pink carpet
There is a new baby Shirofugen tree in Greys Park, near Windsor, by McBride Annex school: Let's hope it fares better than the cherry trees that went before it on this spot.
Lone 'Avium plena', a bit scraggly but in full bloom today on East 24th Ave, just east of Fraser (in front of 747 E. 24th), not on map (yet):
Date: May 13, 2022 Location: South East Side of Trout Lake Type: Shirofugen Quite surprised to see the Cherry Blossom still blooming.
Festival Favourite Accolades on both sides of Dumfries, south of E. 33rd, were in full bloom on March 20, 2023.
'Akebono' about 40% in bloom, photos taken on March 29th on 22nd Ave. from Windsor to Glen: And about 30% in bloom a couple of days later on 30th & Windsor, taken on April 1st:
Despite, or perhaps because of, the snowfalls we've had this winter, the single Whitcomb on Fleming and E. 32rd (SW side) had a singular bloom this season. By March 20, 2023, it was dropping its deep pink flowers.