Hi Every year in about the second month of spring I get a bug or mite attacking new growth on almost all my maples. Since the end of winter I give the garden a monthly spray of Confidor which should eliminate thrips and the bronze orange bug which I thought of spotting on some maples in winter ( at least something small and red ). I can not find ant visible bugs on my maples now only some kind of spider webs on some of the new growth. I can not tell if spiders are the problem or if spiders feed on the problem. Does anyone has a simular problem in spring? thanks Wolfgang
Spider mites are small (almost invisible) and red, and the webs are very small (thin) and start out between the trunk and leaf axils (where stems branch out). If that's what you have (try a mag. glass to see them, often on the backs of leaves), you need to treat them for that (Safer's Soap Spray is good).
I would suspect mite damage in your plants. Once the damage is done the opportunity to control the mite has passed. You should be able to see them as Rima described and if there are no webs to see, the back of the leaf at the base is indeed a good place to see them or the remnants of them. It is rare that mite damage is so widespread unless the plants are all in a closed environment like a greenhouse. Typicaly mites only attack stressed or diseased plants in the "open." Excessive heat with or without water stress can cause leaf deformities that can be widespread or some mineral deficencies as has been mentioned here before can cause problems. Verticillium in the plant, as well as other diseases, can cause or contribute to bud failure and leaf formation problems.