Hello, i don't know if this is the right forum to post this, but i wanted to share a little composition i made with hinoki trees. It could suit a japanese garden Imo. Hope you will enjoy it as much as i had doing it.
I have been playing with rocks, nothing definitive as I need to learn how to attach them together correctly and it was just an exercise trying to get inspiration for a futur Ishitsuki. I plan to create something more tall and complex but harmonised at the same time, then probably plant some conifers native to Japan or maybe a group of young Japanese maples.
Your attention to detail I is second to none, it is very evident from people like yourself and Alain that we non Bonsai experienced people have a lot to learn about what to put around or close-by our trees. I'm just starting up with this art form and will use your photos as a reference. Thankyou. Happy Easter .
Here is another one (my first attempt this spring). I am not sure i will keep it as I think i could have used a better stone, this coral stone is white and I think it would look better with grey rocks so I may disassemble it and restart from scratch. Hinokis and an asplenium trichomanes ( if I am right).
WOW !!! So much detail I. Must have taken a long time to get it right. Alain asked the question I was going to ask, so the answer is there for me.
Yes D, it took me the whole day and i endend late and tired, i was not doing things right at the end, i think next time i will do that kind of work in 2 days as i am slow and always take a lot of breaks lol.
Tbh I, this is a good pastime to actually slow us all down in this rush rush world. So why not two days with extra coffee breaks, lol.
Happy Peaceful Spring Easter Sunday fr Pacific Coast of Canada I hope you can post some pictures of the process — I know about bonsai but I don’t know the other terms you have used above in your posts Do you grow the moss? Do you grow the small “trees”? All I know is a bonsai plant in a certain type of container Recently in a cherry forum - on this site - I think I saw pix of a bonsai cherry (pink blossom) next to a bonsai forsythia (yellow) tho I may well be mistaken I hope you can tell us how you became interested and how long you have done this craft and how you learned Your photos are well done And I especially like your CAT in Raincoat — that’s one tolerant feline!
You were not ;-) I might post other photos from a friend next week... If Shin-Deshojo doesn't mind of course.
Absolutely not A, Let's make this thread a good place to share discussions and beautiful related art to japan and his gardens.
Good afternoon/morning/night @Georgia Strait , and happy peaceful spring easter sunday to you. Thank you for your kindness, yes that cat is awesome, not mine though. Unfortunately i didn't take much pictures during the process but here are the ones i have: I can also try and find some video from youtube where you can see Japanese bonsaika creating art and using theses techniques, in fact i do take inspiration and learn from them aswell as practicing myself and learning from my mistakes of doing root over rock bonsais in the past (and still...) I do not grow the moss, i collect it in many places on the garden. Yes i do grow the small trees myself, they are 1 to 3 years old cuttings. The small fern in the last composition is obviously a "yamadori" if I can call it like that lol, i found it living on rocks around the garden. Nature is part of my life since i am born and I thank my parents for that. I remember doing little japanese gardens in the forest with any little branches, moss and stones i could find when we were having an afternoon walk as kid (but i am sure many of you did too ;) My daughter did one 2 days ago and she is not even interested by my bonsais. I hope i did reply to your questions. Glad you liked my pictures, You are welcome to share some of yours too.
You can't go wrong with plants and animals I. What a fantastic posting. Remember you are part of the UBC family now and hope you always will be. Soooo many friends.
———- I edited out a bit of your reply which iI hope I have quoted properly using tools here —- What a journey — I find it interesting learn of people’s journeys with their gardens - of any type, beginner or experienced, ornamental or sustenance I laughed at the idea of Scottish bonsai — tho I realize the climate far up north naturally bonsai’s the rocky outcrops just like our north of treeline in Canada (a lupin up north is crouching over the tundra whereas in our BC alpine it is a foot tall in summer bloom) I do recall making little Faerie gardens and farmyards with our miniature toys - tho i sure loved my Tonka truck earthmovers (a brand of toys back a few decades ago)! I realize and agree, one must have Privacy online tho there are little details we hope we can safely share here about our creativity with plants! The moderators are very helpful showing where to find guidelines for this large forum from University of British Columbia Botanical Garden Back here in the Vancouver BC Coastal area — I have seen the bonsai made by this very talented and apparently traditionally trained garden artist - he has a fascinating journey too - detailed on his website linked below I wonder how old some of the trees are (shown on his website) I really like the rectangular shape containers design contrast with the bonsai tree. A bientôt SHIKOKU BONSAI CANADA - Growers of fine trees, Landscape designers of fine spaces - Vancouver BC, Canada