Like above I'm looking for a mail order source that ships reliance since I was told those are very good grapes, It doesn't have to be plants, cuttings will work too.
Somerset would probably be a better bet. You could also try Canadice there is someone growing that in Winnipeg. reliance is a nice grape but doesn't have the hardiness. if you check with Jeffries Nurseries they have a nice collection of grapes you could try. Reliance is a nice grape but it doesn't always color properly or will crack in wet weather. it also isn't quite hardy enough for you there. You could try Trollhaugen or Montreal Blues. Cheers Kim
thanks Ralph but min order is $50. Prairie grapes do you know who sells Candice or somerset any mail order nusries?, Since I already have a valiant and a two year old sufflok grape vine which is a zone 5 had one bunch which was awsome. You could try these nurseries botth Peter Salonius and Bert Dunn sell cuttings. Pan Am has plants You could try them. Also in the spring companies like Home Depot will ahve a an assortment of grapes in their store. I have seen Canadice at Canadian Tire and Super store as well. Its a luck of the draw with these companies and most of the stuff they bring in isn't hardy enough for our zone 3 climate. If you can't find Canadice try a Vanessa plant. If you put them on a south wall and give them some winter protection you might be able to produce a crop. If you put a a temporary cover ie plastic over the grapes you can generate more heat and extend your growing season. If you use a black plastic mulch at the base of the vine it also helps to provide more heat units and extend your growing season. Bluebell, Kandiyoho and King of the north are worth trying as well. Have a look at this website and likewise this one hope this helps Cheers Kim
Can I t-bud a varitiy onto my exsting cultivator, like a candice bud onto a valiant trunk? and would be possible to keep grape vines in pot?
You could grafting onto your valiant grape and use it as a rootstock. Theoretically it would ripen earlier and increase the hardiness by about 5%. tYou could try t-budding This should help you. By the way I am doing research with V.riparia (wild grapes) as rootstocks. Let me know how you make out. Cheers Kim
Hey, Thanks everybody just one more question, were could I get some buds, for t-budding anybody? Thanks Tasty
Dominion seeds has Canadice,Somerset seedless and Montreal Blues. At $9.95 per plant. Good luck with the vines. Cheers Kim
Thanks Prairie grapes for the links, I'm going to order the Candice and Someset from them, anybody try the taste of someset?better then valiant?