I have definitely been tempted to get a 'Burgundy Jewel'. Its good to see Acer circinatum getting some love.
We grow 'JFS Purple' (Pacific Purple TM) but I think 'Burgundy Jewel' is generally considered superior. 'JFS Purple' goes quite green in summer. Another really good one is x circinatum 'Morton', it keeps a really good red and seems very tough. Autumn color is very showy, too.
You know what’s funny is that I’m only a couple miles away from that Nursery here in the Eugene/Springfield area in Oregon. I should stop in.. looks like all their prices on cultivars is high though.
They took it off of their website after I posted the link. Might be worth reaching out to see if they have an unadvertised price. Especially since they won't have to ship.
Just ordered the following: Acer japonicum ‘Emmet’s Pumpkin’ Acer shirasawanum ‘Mikado’ Acer shirasawanum ‘Sunny’ Acer shirasawanum ‘Purple Thunder’ Let the waiting begin!
Acer japonicum "Emmett's pumpkin" This variety is just magnificent, the prettiest of my maples. very good choice!
Just ordered the following: A. circinatum 'Burgundy Jewel' A. japonicum 'Ruby' A. shirasawanum 'Bashful' I'm keeping the non-palmatum theme going for 2022.