Katsura leaf out during our two weeks of rain and strong wind! Can’t believe this! Where is our 2024 spring photo thread?
Wow, that has got to be the earliest Katsura I've ever seen. And yes, perhaps you should start the Spring thread this year ?
Wow is right! Is this a new plant for you? I wonder if it came out of a greenhouse, early even for Katsura.
So early! My Katsura's are still fast asleep. Kiyohime is looking like it will be first here; buds are swelling quite a bit.
I got it last year spring time from a local nursery. All other hundreds of plants are still in dormancy except this one
I see, thanks. The climate there is probably warmer than where I live, even if this winter has been one of the mildest in years. My Katsura, and the other early ones like the "hime" family are still dormant. One of my Acer tataricum has swollen buds, that's all, and the temperatures here are going to drop a little. We had up to 14°C in the past week, and no frost. It's going to be 2°C in the morning and 6°C for a couple of days , then 5°/10° after.
After extreme cold for a couple of weeks, a couple of days ago we hit 18C, the greenhouse was definitely in the mid 20's with the doors closed. Very mild still and long range shows no more frost over the next couple of weeks. Some of our maples in the greenhouse have very swollen bud sets already. Seem to be far ahead of normal for this time of year. And we are 1500 km due north of San Fransisco
We used to live in SF (Edgehill Mt) and I think there are plenty of distinct climates even in the city, lol. There was about a 15 degree difference between us, getting in the car some mornings, and dropping the kids at school in the Haight. I looked around to see if anything was leafing out, the answer is "sort of." No JMs of course, but this A. catalpifolium in the greenhouse is starting, A. pensylvanicum outside has buds that are in a hurry: And this young Rhododendron sichotense in the greenhouse is showing its first ever flower, I couldn't resist sharing! A. buergerianum ssp formosanum is, as usual, nearly in leaf, but somehow I missed taking a pic. I'm not sure how this maple is going to live in the landscape as the young leaves are tender. -E
Hi, Only one palmatum showing signs of waking up, 'Orange Dream' : A few other species : Acer tataricum : Acer tegmentosum : Acer laevigatum : Acer elegantulum : Acer buergerianum : PS: they all stayed outside, with no protection. I'm particularly surprised by the buergerianum, a small "forest" planted in a shallow pot in March 2022 :
A few things leafing out more in the greenhouse, and out: Not a maple, but a very cool (and rare) elm, just received, Ulmus ismaelis from Mexico A. buergerianum ssp formosanum A. palmatum and A. buergerianum, young seedlings I brought into the greenhouse to protect today OK, who can resist crocus and bee pictures? :)
That's such a pretty maple, Del. Here are another couple, now quite advanced, along with the rare Mexican elm Ulmus ismaelis, which I suspect will probably be evergreen if I can grow it. The maples are A. amplum ssp. catalpifolium and A. sikkimense. Still all inside.
Here, the first trees to bud out are the young Malus (seedlings from Evereste, Van Eseltine, red-leaf maple trees, etc.) : 'Katsura' and 'Little Princess', aka 'Mapi-no-machi hime' (most of the "hime" are among the earliest)
Acer sikkimense, outside (like all my trees actually) : Acer laevigatum : Acer pseudosieboldianum ssp takesimense : Flowers on the 'Orange Dream' : Chaenomeles :
Amazing! It's a sight for sore eyes, but when I think we're in mid-Feb, I do get worried. I have seedlings coming out, which I've popped into the greenhouse, but no other JMs outside or in. I'm always confounded by how much earlier it is at Alain's, only 100km or so to the south, but more continental as well. Our quince is barely opening (but pretty for all of that). In spring as the sap rises, the bark of A. crataegifolium turns a beautiful yellow. The cultivar 'Veitchii' doesn't have this feature... A. sikkimense A. serrulatum. My son-in-law is in Taiwan, hoping he can get seed! A. laevigatum, even in the greenhouse, far behind Alain's. And this is the sister plant, so really the same thing. (Thanks Alain!) A. kawakamii, the one's outside are right at the same stage. A. barbinerve, which has frozen every year since it was planted. Not a healthy plant, sadly. :( A. tataricum ssp ginalla 'Yama zakura' , pointilist cloud of green A. pensylvanicum will leaf out during the next warm, sunny day. It's spring leaves, but also on a window sill inside. The very pretty A. laurinum, a wild collected plant from Thailand. An interesting red A. pauciflorum seedling, the first of the pauciflorums to start leafing out. -E
The temperatures being back to "normal", yesterday +3°C in the morning, +8°C in the afternoon, even those that were early are at a standstill, or barely progressing. Katsura : Jerre Schwartz : Bihoo, new buds on old wood : And flowers of Prunus x Accolade on this page : https://forums.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/threads/cherries-in-seattle-wa.90456/page-2#post-441372
No freeze for us. Came close though. Did it freeze in your back yard? I know it's very sheltered. But sooo much rain, plenty of standing water everywhere. It seems likely we'll pass 250mm for Jan and Feb. How does Jerre Schwartz do for you? And does it stay small? Wondering if I should bother with it as a "interstitial planting", meaning to fill in between upright maples. Just did what will probably be my JMs for this year, from La Feuillade: Brandt's Dwarf, Berrima Bridge, Green Globe, Vandermatt Yellow. I have another Berrima, which was a pretty poor plant but is now coming around, and always wanted to put two together; one of the originals from a few years ago died almost immediately. Cherries are out around here too, though none of ours. 2-3 in advance, perhaps? Cheers, -E
Ooops, I meant +3 in the morning. Jerre Schwartz does fine here, it didn't keep its red colours very last year so it may need repotting, or a sunnier place. I have a big cherry tree (Napoleon) that has not flowered yet, but I can see lots of various Prunus varieties that have, not to mention my Japanese apricot, Prunus mume, the earliest of all, that showed its first flowers on January 20th.
Update some progress.. just realized that this is a great place to track the leaf out order of maples also I saw a of friends are uploading your photos in this thread.. maybe I can change the title to Maple Spring 2024? 1 Peve multicolor is the second maple following Katsura 2 3 dragon master follows peve multicolor 4 then comes bonfire 5 Taylor also show some lovely pink too 6 the Katsura, lost the orange color after two weeks of February and already changed to pale green
Gorgeous picture! Look at the texture of those leaves! At first glance I thought it was Mikasa Yatsubusa family or Shishi Gashira
One of my Acer rubescens seedlings. I don't know why, but they were much more red in the previous years : What I thought was aseedling/ hybrid from A. shirasawanum, but I'm pretty sure now it's an A. cirninatum of some kind. I was afraid I had lost it because of the heat and drought last year, it had lost all its leaves. So I repotted it in emergency in late summer, crossing my fingers. It lost buds that were dry, and a few branch tips, but, yes ! it's alive ! Various seedlings (among them the now famous "Rich10"). Mazny young seedlings (1,2,3 years) are early to bud out. Opening their leaves because when the big ones will overshadow them in nature ? Budding early because the path is shorter for the sap to reach the buds ? I wonder...