Very nice Julie, similarities with Cascade Gold, but a bit more yellow, like Cascade Yellow?? Interesting to see it through the Spring and Summer , if you can post a photo or two? stopped raining and a few are starting to come to life koto-no-ito Orange Dream Aconitifolium Phoenix
Today I found the leaf buds of my rainbow and ukigumo become dry and hard… wondering if they were dead Photos: Mayo no sato Amagi shiguri Taylor Black lace Amagi shiguri again Koriba Seemstobedead rainbow buds currently soaking root in supershrive
Lovely photos; the buds on your Rainbow could well be from a sudden overnight freezing. I'm afraid it's a waiting game to see if they start to swell.
Spring is here ! 23°C today, and sunny. First barbecue at a friend's place, I think it's the first time I've had a barbecue in March. Temps will drop on Saturday, 9-10°C in the afternoon, but here, I don't think we'll have frost, and in 10 days'time, temperatures will rise again to 18-20 or the like according to "Météo France". I took a few photos before sunset. Flowers on quite a few trees, including those falling from my big two Prunus. And a special guest, a white spider, they're very difficult to spot, they're white or very pale green. 'Beni hagoromo' : 'Tsuma gaki' : I'd love to get viable seeds from this one, just to see... 'Momoiro koya-san' : 'Koto-no-Ito' and my friend the white spider :
A few others that bear no flowers. 'Jerre Schwartz' : mine has an upright port. Never disappointing so far, but too late to repot it, I will "slip-pot' it because the roots must be jammed in the pot and our next summer will probably be very dry and hot at times... 'Okushimo' : 'Redwine', and on the right, 'Katsura' rapidly turning green : Acer triflorum : Acer pseudosieloldianum ssp. takesimense : Various seedlings from "Atro. dissectum" of some kind and from Rich :
Looks like it might be OK. Don't know about soaking in Superthrive! But if in doubt, peel back a bud and see if the base is green. The stem "looks" OK, but of course no one sees it better than you do. If the stem is OK and the buds dead, it will come back in 4-6 weeks with a new set. It does feel like Spring. We had 19C yesterday, a little cooler today. MF predicting 2C on Monday morning, that's a bit close for comfort... Here are some pics from the last few days, everything accelerating, but most of the JMs still locked up. Forgot to add that the triflorum, catalpifolium and pensylvanicum are side-by-side and absolutely packed with bees, you can hear the buzzing from 30m! And that the (real) elegantulum is one of Alain's trees, thanks!
This year, I've used "Solabiol" when repotting, a French product supposed to boost the roots, it's organic.
I thought Solabiol was a brand? What's in this stuff? I just bought some more TNC Myc, but it sure is expensive!
Yes, it is. I don't want to advertise an online provider, but : The main product is "Osiryl" :
Umm, I went down those links. But I still have no clue. Osiryl is the bees knees! It makes everything better! It will cure your grandmother! It's organic! Reduces stress, plugs your auxin gap! Surfs your turf! Sure, but what the heck is it? The best answer I got was: a mineral. Um, OK? Granite? Chalk? Selenium? Who knows? :) Lots of peeps selling it though. Not a mycorrhizae? Not an EM? If you smoke it, what happens next? Presumably this information is available somewhere? Sorry to seem skooptical...
I enjoyed your post, so funny, ans at the same time "plein de distance". Lots of references, I don't "dig" all of them, but I like them... "Solabiol" products are mot of it a mix of... ??? "Composition : 50 % matières sèches. Osyr 40 % anhydride sulfurique (SO3) 8%, pH = 3,7 ± 0,7. Contient du lignosulfonate. Produit utilisable en agriculture biologique*. From another link, the "principe actif d’origine naturelle végétale" is not clearly defined either : I suspect it includes auxins.
Just a few early ones properly in leaf here. Katsura, always as early as the hime types for me: Murasaki kiyohime: JWW7 Brown Sugar: A bunch of at least 2 year old coral bark seedlings (from a good Senkaki) that really need to be separated this year! There were around 40-50 in the pot, not sure how many are left:
Here in Hampshire UK some of my maples are only just starting to leaf out, But it's nice to join in with the thread at last. Loving all photos that have been put on already from all over the world. Katsura x 2 Hard pruned at end of 2023 to let more light inside. Kotohime Peve multicolour Vitifolium Isobel Brocade Aratama Coonara Pygmy More to follow as the days get longer.
Great color Derek! That Katsura is glowing! Isobel is another one high on my list, and I have Peve mutlicolor on order... er, I suppose the proper spelling is Peve multicolour on that one, as it was introduced on your side of the pond.
This one was reccomended to me by Luke @Luke's Maples. It was a favourite of his. So glad I have it now. I am loving your Allen's Gold btw, had a look around this side of the pond, but not available here yet.
I'm struck by 'Isobel' too, lovely shade. What does it do the rest of the year? I don't find a description in the literature. Dan, I still have no result, so if you can find out anything wrt Alan/Allen, I'd appreciate it! -E
Hey Emery, I did go ahead and message Pat McCracken this past week to sate my own curiosity. This was his response: "It was named after Alan Galloway. Others have spelled it wrong."