This morning's pics. 'Purple Ghost' : 'Hana Matoi' : 'Deshojo' : 'Hagoromo nana' (strange...) : 'Gwen's Rose Delight' = 'Shirazz' (and Euchera, for the contrast) : 'Beni maiko' : 'Como' (it's becoming my favourite!) : Shirasawanum 'Aureum' : Flowers on Acer sinense (tx E-) : From a distance, 'Orange Dream' and 'Summer Gold' look very similar. But the lobes are a bit different, 'Summer Gold' still has a little red on the edges :
More... Acer negundo 'Flamingo'. The pink egdes are not so present any longer : it's been in the ground for years, ans the soil is very poor, very calcareous, and it's in full sun all day. So it's not that bad after all : What I think is Acer sinense, but I'm not sure at all, it's from seeds : 'Butterfly' : Two seedlings that I like. If the first one (from a dissectum atropurpureum) keeps its spring colours, I might name it : I spotted the second one among two dozen of others. It has a red bark and the leaves are beautiful. Not sure either will keep their colours, it's only 2 or 3 years old. First photo this morning, 2nd photo an hour before sunset :
Here's another batch from me, all from Friday 12/4. Only two days ago, but Saturday was so warm (almost 24, with around 22C on Friday) that everything is changing very rapidly. Which has prompted me to snap snap snap. I figure we're about 3-4 weeks ahead, of "normal", whatever that is now. If it freezes, though, it will be more than unfortunate. First and last are the amazing Corstorphinense, I finally pulled down a branch to take, and the colors are true in the picture. Otherwise very difficult to capture as always seen from the leaf undersides. In reality, it really dominates the Aceretum during the early spring.
I was asked yesterday by a friend, "What is your favourite maple in your garden"? My reply was "It depends on the day". I think this is probably the answer for most of us collectors of maples, as they are all so different at different times. Such wonderful trees...So here are a few more in my garden from this morning that caught my eye. Deshojo x2 Otome Zakura x2 Olivia x2 Wilson's Pink Dwarf x2 Sumi nagashi x2 Koyasan x2 Wakehurst Pink x2 Shishio improved x2
Ukigumo, with Amagi Shigure peeking Amber Ghost Sister Ghost Beni Chidori Summer Gold Hana Matoi Midori no teiboku
After a day of strong wind yesterday, I thought I had better check my trees this morning, all OK apart fir a few small branches detached. So here are a few more in the morning sun in my garden today. Orange Dream x2 Ruby Stars x2 Goshiki shidare x2 Emma x 2 Ariake Nomura x2 Osakazuki Corallinum Jeddeloh Orange x2 Waterfall x2
Beautiful as always, Derek. We had the internet knocked out much of the day yesterday, it's still spotty. Hail storms today, the last about 5 minutes of pea-sized hail, so "hello damage!" as the French like to day. I took pictures on the 13th, here they are. Three in the middle are of a maple I've been evaluating for a while, "Chocolate Curl", which seems like a spectacular dwarf but then started to grow. The chocolate color last a few weeks, but the green leaves then mostly turn upwards, which is an interesting textural effect. Still undecided.
Shows the subtle difference really well DEL. Here are my two from moments ago in my garden. I have found over the past couple of years having both, is that Olivia has larger leaves, is a smaller tree and is slightly darker. Ukigumo x2 Olivia x2
Those are lovely, thanks. First time I've seen Yamato koto no ito, and Goshiki shidare has been on my want list forever, feels like. -E
I know the problems with Taylor, but one of my children got a good one a few years back. Here it is a few moments ago looking rather nice IMO.
Back home now and some more of mine have leafed out. The sun is shining but still quite windy. Moonrise x 2 . Uncle Ghost x3 . First Ghost x2 . Sango kaku x2 . Bloodgood x2 . Grandma Ghost x2 .
Here's a batch from the 14th, starting with my little x pauciflorum, that was red, but is still so cute! It's a funny year for flowers, many of the most reliable and showy (like an older A. diabolicum) have no flowers at all. The sinopurpurascens has much less than usual, but always pretty. The Acer nigrum is one of 3 that a friend collected in upstate NY, this is the first year it has shown stipules (little stem leaves), a sure sign it's the real thing; A. nigrum is the only maple with stipules. Souffrettes (a sycamore) is the first maple I named, and one of the best. I will certainly propagate it, then we'll see how it does. Quite large now, and more variegation each year it seems. The last pic, unlabeled, is (left to right), Aconitifolium, Ariadne, Jordan, Usugumo, Brilliantissimum. -E
And here are the other pictures I took on the 14th. The negundo 'Aureomarginatum' I didn't expect to survive after the drought year, and managed to find a replacement, still in a pot. It's just barely hanging on. Naruto, Paldiski and the Sessilifolium seedling are in that "love it or hate it" group. All 3 OK by me! Tsuma Gaki enjoying its 5 minutes of looking nice... -E
The sun is still shining here in Southern England, but a bit cold last night, 2°c., no frosts thankfully. So here are a few more of mine leafing out. Still lots to go though... Marlo x2 in a pot on patio Anne Irene x2 Green dissectum after a very severe Winter prune Red dissectum with another severe Winter prune Westonbirt Red x2 Westonbirt Orange x2 Phoenix x2 Murasaki kiyohime x2 Westonbirt Spreading Star x2 Johin x 2 Japanese Sunrise
@emery Here you go. Cascade Citrine (the non problematic one) and Cascade Ruby. Both definitely weeping in habit