Date: May 4. 2008 Locations: West 64th Avenue from Adera Street to Angus Drive Cherry Tree Type: Kanzan Status: In full bloom
Date: May 4. 2008 Locations: West 57th Avenue from Granville to Wiltshire Street Cherry Tree Type: Kanzan Status: In full bloom
Date: May 4. 2008 Locations: Marguerite Street from West 57th to 49th Avenue Cherry Tree Type: Kanzan Status: In full bloom
Date: May 4. 2008 Locations: Wiltshire Street from West 57th to West 54th Avenue Cherry Tree Type: Kanzan Status: In full bloom
Date: May 4. 2008 Locations: Cypress Street from West 57th to West 52nd Avenue Cherry Tree Type: Kanzan Status: In full bloom
Date: May 4. 2008 Locations: West 57th Avenue from Hudson Street to Park Drive/Granville Street Cherry Tree Type: Kanzan Status: In full bloom
First posting in 2009 On April 10, Akebonos are blooming 50% on 60 Ave. from Manitoba to Ontario St. Accolades fully bloomed on 61 Ave. from Manitoba to Ontario St.
Young Akebonos on Yukon between 59 and 62 at the edge of Winona Park) were full bloom on April 15. (I happened to pass this area in the evening. So not good photos like last year.)
But such a pretty street, Mariko. There are so many great locations to see Akebonos - I'd have 15 Festival Favourite Akebono locations, so we could see streets like this and not just those show-off ones like Graveley in Hastings-Sunrise. Of course, this will be like Graveley some years from now, but will be really awesome being on the edge of a park.
Happened to pass by W70 and Granville during my drive home from work. Extremely eye-catching Akebono. There are a few at the Shell station on Granville and W71, also worth checking out. Date: April 14, 2009
Rancho taken at Granville and W64 showing vertical tree shape and bright pink single flowers: Date: April 14, 2009
April 18 Today I drove past Akebonos on SW Marine Dr.(W 70th) and Granville. (kennyc posted on April 14) I saw green leaves on young trees. They are finishing now. As far as I know those are the first Akebonos that started blooming on SW Marine Dr. (Somei-Yoshinos at Marine Cr. had started blooming before them.) They are finishing earlier than other Akebonos on SW Marine Dr. Sorry, I didn't have time to take pictures.
Mariko & other scouts, Yesterday when I passed by the same area again, I saw that the 3 or 4 trees on 70th and Granville were showing green, but the 2 or 3 trees on 70th and one block west of Granville were still blooming pink. I'm guessing the 3 or 4 trees are showing green because of their proximity to the Granville traffic and the past few days of rain.
I visited the Adera/65th-66th area again (see photos from last year April 13). The 100-year-old Prunus avium in the backyard between 65th and 66th on Adera is past peak, so I don't know what the blossoms were like, but the tree still looks impressive. The Tai Haku trees on 66th are totally finished blooming. This year I noticed a whole block of avium 'Plena' trees on 65th east of Adera. They're also past peak now but the street still looks great. At 66th and Adera, there are Kanzans to the east and to the south.
First posting 2010 Unfortunately, most of our Accolade were bloomed so early and withered so fast. Here are some beautiful photos for your appreciation.
[edited 2010nov29 by wcutler: I've moved a posting into this thread, so the next sentence refers to the posting before the immediate preceding one] Well, since no-one has posted in this neighbourhood since last year, the immediately preceding posting should be current news for this year. So have a look at that if you want to know where to go now in Marpole. Also check out all those Marpole 'Kanzan' reports below, as they should all be in bloom now. Here are some 'Ukon' trees on 57th, next to a hill cherry that I reported in the Oakridge neighbourhood at the same time as I posted trees across the street, as 57th is the neighbourhood boundary. These are just west of Hudson. I found one vexillate filament. I don't think that's enough to say these aren't 'Ukon'.
These four 'Whitcomb' in full bloom at the Marpole and Oakridge Community Centre on 59th at Fremlin were posted just about the same date in 2008. The building just at the end of the parking lot says Oak Park.
I think this is a new location for us. It looks like the entrance to an apartment complex on 59th near Columbia, and indeed the sign says The Springs at Langara, but it has a street sign - Rockpoole Dr, which is on the map, so I guess that makes it a public thoroughfare. There certainly were a lot of cars coming and going, with no good place for me to pull over. It should have been named "Cherry Lane". There are a lot of cherry trees in here. As you drive in, on the right is a long row of 'Akebono' in bloom now. On the side streets, actually the sides of a circle (I can say that - I just did), are 'Whitcomb', past bloom now, with a few 'Shirotae' just starting to show a few open blossoms. [Edited by wcutler: actually, I see that those "sides" of the circle have names: Waterford Dr and Waterleigh Dr] At the entrance is this group of I'm not sure what. They're shaped like 'Umineko', but I'd have expected that cultivar to be closer to blooming than these are. Across 59th, at Columbia, is this very nicely situated 'Beni-shidare'.
All these whole-block both sides street displays have been reported in previous years. 'Accolade' on 61st, Manitoba to Ontario, are past peak now, but still colourful. 'Akebono' on 60th, Manitoba to Ontario, are looking excellent. There's an impressive sheared Deodar Cedar on the northeast corner of 60th and Manitoba. Osler, from 59th to 64th, solid two-sided run of 'Akebono'. 64th, Cartier to French, 'Akebono'.
That's a little misleading to show a photo of the whole block on 64th and label it 'Somei-yoshino'. Douglas Justice says the block is essentially 'Akebono', with one 'Somei-yoshino' at the end. Your last blossom photo is 'Somei-yoshino'. I can't tell about the second photo (1st blossom photo), but I'd have said 'Akebono'. Is that the same tree? In posting #22, clearly both cultivars are shown in the blossom photos. In another posting, there's mention of the trees at the end being in bloom ahead of the others. How about setting a reminder to check them out next year when the 'Akebono' have just come out and the 'Somei-yoshino' have been out for a few days? That's the point at which they will look totally different.
Re: Marpole--Shogetsu to come Wendy, Those trees are precious Shogetsu with buds. I just led Green Club members to this place on April 7. I was too busy to report this unique & secret place for two years.
Wendy, you mentioned that the block of W64 and French was mostly Akebono. I may have to disagree, as I looked closer at the blossoms of a few trees last Saturday (April 9,2011) and could not find any staminodes... I will go back to the area to examine further when I have time...... A few blocks away, at W62 and Montcalm, are 2 beautiful Akebonos. The soft, fluffy, slightly 'deeper' pink colour is in stark contrast with the Somei-yoshino blossoms. I'm throwing in a Rancho picture because it's also in bloom. And to top it off, I am also including this beautiful row of Akebonos, taken at Winona Park on W59 and Yukon.
Hi Wendy, I will upload a few more photos about the cherries on French and 64th. The last photo i posted is not from the last tree. ... I think most of them are Somei-Yoshino. I guess need to check it again next year.