I need a good source for information on summer grafting. The book I have by Vertrees is has very limited information. I have seen misting setups for cutting beds, but what do you do for your 1 gallon grafted trees? Do you only use plastic bags for winter grafting? Thanks Tanabata
There are several threads in this forum that talk about various grafting methodologies. Perform a search on "grafting" and you should find several of them. Here's one that was particularly insightful for me: http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=5314 Bryan
Brian, thanks for the information, it was exactly what I was looking for. I read through alote of threads and found one on plastic bags/grafting, it was good but I needed more detail. I am new to the forums and I need to get the hang of how it works. Thanks for helping me out! Tanabata