Hi, Our new home has a small Japanese maple that needs to be moved. Can it be planted in a pot? thanks, LA
Hello - your tree looks quite mature..maybe 15years or more.. You can certainly dig it up and keep it in a pot.. I dug this one up a few years ago as it was getting too much sun and was getting crispy by August, however how regularly it was watered..it’s much happier now in its pot under the canopy of an Ash tree.. btw it’s only in front of my garage ATM due to the storm. If it were me I’d dig it up in March sometime and give it a good root prune.
Thanks for the quick response. That’s very helpful. How big is your pot? Is there a good way to estimate how big a pot I will need?
My pot is 30” cube..The tree is 5ft x5foot wide 4foot tall with a trunk about 3.5”.. how big the pot needs to be is pretty much dependent upon the size of the rootball after pruning..you would probably be fine with a 2foot cube or a 60- 80ltr conventional pot. Edit one thing to consider is the size of the canopy..you want a big enough pot that won’t topple over with gusts of wind..several people on here use metal stakes with a crook top and secure in the ground but this is obviously only possible if the pot is sat on earth
Hello! You need a pot of about 100 liters or more and wider than high, the root system will appreciate and develop better! good horticultural soil and good drainage (pozzolan or pine bark)