Hi there, I have found a very useful link here:http://gomestic.com/gardening/propagating-grapes-and-muscadine-vines/:
A little bit more detail for you. www.cals.ncsu.edu/hort_sci/extension/ag-698w.pdf What varieties do you have? Cheers KM
hey you know sometimes planting only the roots can produce vines that don't make grapes?? its better to mark the tree with fruit on it then dig it up while its dormant. ive tried the rooting thing with muscadines, plum trees, peach trees, mulberry trees and here it is 5 year later with no fruit. i have 3 year old muscadines, plums trees, mulberry trees that were all 3 to 4 ft when i dug them up out of friends yards in jan that all made fruit that following spring and early summer. just a little note good luck with the roots!