Dear Maple Enthusiasts, As you may know, the Maple Society is undergoing a transformation. In order to be closer to our members, The Maple Society of Europe / Société Européenne des Erables was recently created and will take over from the International Maple Society, in particular as regards the management of European members as well as the organisation of conferences, meeting days, etc. We are in the process of finalising the final administrative details and expect to be 100% operational in January. We would like to inform you that you will not be renewing your 2025 subscription via the existing Maple Society bank account that you have been using until now. In January, we will be informing you of the account number of the new European association to be used in order to join for 2025. To keep you waiting for a little while longer, we are pleased to share with you the address of our brand new website . The site, which is currently under construction, is already available in English and will shortly be available in French and Spanish. We are finalising the final details, in particular those enabling you to join our association directly via the website. So please bear with us a little longer. We are preparing a great agenda for 2025. We can already inform you that our Spring Meeting will take place on 26 and 27 April, with the Netherlands and the north of Belgium as destinations, and some great visits in prospect! You can put these dates in your diary now. We'll be sure to get back to you with details of this great weekend of visits. We look forward to sharing our passion for maple trees with you. On behalf of the Board of Directors of the European Maple Society, we wish you all the very best for the New Year 2025. Thank you for your attention JR Nathanael for the Maple Society of Europe
Thank you for thinking to send us this notice (and for joining these forums to do that!). Will The Maple Society of Europe include the Maple Society of Britain and Ireland? Introducing The Maple Society of Britain and Ireland | UBC Botanical Garden Forums. Should I unstick that thread and make this one the sticky thread (always at the top)? If the Resource item for The Maple Society needs amending, will somebody please send me the new text? Maple Resources - Online | UBC Botanical Garden Forums Thanks. I am personally not involved in Maple activities, but I actually recognize one person in the photo in the first posting! Maybe you could edit the posting to name the others.
Yes, I think there has been a translation issue in the original post, perhaps @stayburn you might want to check with @AlainK to fix the wording. It has already caused Wendy's confusion. The Société Européenne des Érables is an autonomous chapter of the Maple Society. It is in no way "taking over" from The International Maple Society, rather it runs itself and provides benefits only to its own members. SEE participates in support of common benefits, for example the Newletter is edited in North America, laid out in France, and printed in England. Other independent MS groups, like the CWG (Cultivar Working Group) or TWG (Taxonomic Working Group) will likely have at one time or another members of all three chapters. European MS members and citizens are perfectly welcome to join TMSBI as offshore members, (or TMSNA for that matter), indeed some such members from EU and elsewhere have joined us. Or UK or Irish citizens could also approach SEE about joining them, if they wish. Wendy, there are currently 3 autonomous chapters of the Maple Society: TMSBI, TMSNA (North America) -- these two open to worldwide registration -- and the nascent SEE. The "International Maple Society" is unmanned and therefore can no longer administer benefits, which is the reason for these developments. A dozen-ish worldwide members have still not chosen a branch to administer benefits, though as we approach year's end this may become a moot point, as the Winter 2024 Newsletter will likely not be distributed during this calendar year. There are several thorny issues to unpick around the state in which TIMS was left. Until these are settled, the current "resources" entry is, IMO, sufficient. So far, TMSBI and TMSNA have worked closely and harmoniously together. We both hope that the fraternal cooperation, united around a common purpose, will continue and include SEE. For example, we have committed to accepting membership to any chapter as license to attend an event at a different chapter, just as we have committed to letting each TIMS member pick the chapter they wish to join. Best wishes for the holidays, everyone. -E
Thank you, @emery. When you speak of no more distribution of the Winter 2024 Newsletter "during this calendar year", do you mean no more this week, or ever? We need to know the plan for approving member requests to join the Maple Society Forum. Is there still that area? I see the thread (2) For Maple Society Members | UBC Botanical Garden Forums that tells how to join, but I don't see anything telling people that there is such an area. Did there used to be something? Or is the advertising for it just in the member newsletter, as it is only for Society members, from any maple society that has a newsletter?
Yes Wendy @wcutler and Emery @emery , "taking over" is clearly a mistranslation that can indeed be confusing. We are creating an official association (in France) to take on a certain independence (I'm thinking mainly of printing newsletters and financial management of memberships) while of course keeping fraternal relations. I'm much more comfortable communicating through our "very active" Facebook group ( than through this channel (this forum). When Alain @AlainK has digested the Christmas meal, maybe he'll add some details too
Hi Wendy, I just meant in 2024. Normally all newsletters associated with a calendar year appear during that year, so the Winter 2024 issue would have appeared in prior to the end of the year. But it appears to be delayed, so I'm guessing it will appear later in the Winter, in 2025. There are no changes to the private area or how to access it, indeed members learn about it in the Newsletter. Cheers, -E P.S. Still no news from Derek?
Glad I'm now a proud member of both TMSE and TMSBI ! :) I choose my societies like I choose my maples: Why choose if you can have both ;-)