Are these Choshu-hizakura cherry trees too? Two short cherry trees with lighter Choshu-hizakura flowers are blooming now. But these two short trees have horizontal branches with more flower balls at the end of the thin branches. Douglas, Wendy or anyone, this will be the prime time to visit and identify them this year!! They are located at the NE corner of Montgomery Park in front of a house at 1033 West 43rd Ave, Vancouver.
I said yes, Douglas Justice said no. We will discuss the ID in this thread: Identification: - Horizontal spreading tree with white petal and bronze-green leaves(1) Douglas isn't available to discuss this tree right now, so we'll just post stuff and try to catch him next year.
At least nine 'Shiro-fugen' at property on corner of Oak and 43rd. Just starting to bloom April 26, 2017.
I hope somebody gets a picture of those Ukon trees along the Safeway parking lot on Cambie at 45th - they sure are spectacular (or were a week ago, when I drove by).
More to see now at Tisdall Park. One lone 'Whitcomb' further away from Ash Street is doing better than the street trees. Crows were snapping dry twigs off of an older 'Whitcomb' - presumably for nest-building. I will have to start wearing protective headgear earlier than I thought.
Wendy Cutler and I took another look at the four trees in Montgomery Park. Still a mystery, whether there are two or four 'Choshu-hizakura' standing guard there. Blooming now.
I'm checking out what's in bloom for Douglas Justice's Tree Talk & Walk on Sunday, April 29, 10 am, found a few things to add to the map. Here is a nice single 'Akebono' nicely set in a front yard at 5969 Willow, definitely past its blooming interest. Yet not far away, the 'Somei-yoshino' on the north side of Tisdall Park off Tisdall still look very good, only a little past prime. Curiously, here and in QE Park, the 'Somei-yoshino' this year bloomed over a week later than the nearby 'Akebono' trees. Walking along that path toward Ash, I passed a garden area with at least 20 'Akebono' trees in two rows. These are possibly ungrafted trees, very different aspect from what we usually see, and also very different (though quite a bit younger) than the 'Somei-yoshino' above. On 45th, south side between Ash and Cambie is another grove of 'Akebono' trees, at the Hemingway. I hope I can find the path from Willow to Tisdall where I saw what I think has to be 'Pink Perfection', contrasting conveniently with the 'Kanzan' next to it. It was also convenient that this 'Kanzan' was one that had a good number of flowers open. This 'Kiku-shidare-zakura' has been posted before and is already on the map. It had flowers already a week ago. Since 'Kanzan' are just starting up, it was a little exciting to see these pink flowers looking so nice.
Perfect day for a walk in Oakridge with Douglas Justice today. Fifty-five enthusiastic people attended and no one was disappointed. Lots to see and lots to learn. Thanks Douglas, and belated Happy Birthday.
Douglas Justice also recommended a trip to East 48th and Columbia to view the rare 'Yokihi' in full bloom. I think Wendy Cutler has recruited another scout.
I found several flowers with 6~8 petals on the east side of the trunk of Yokihi Cherry at #263 West 48 Ave
Oakridge south of 49th sure is looking devoid of cherries on the festival map. But two streets caught my eye as I drove by on Monday night, so I took advantage of being in the neighbourhood to walk around there. Heather seems to have a tunnel of 'Kanzan' from 49th to 54th. Laurel, the next street over, has lots of stuff. From 49th to 52nd are 'Kanzan' almost forming an arch, with, bless the Park Board's soul, one young 'Shiro-fugen'. The tag still says 'Shiro-fugen'. Surely they know the rest of the block is 'Kanzan'. It's not exactly biodiversity to put in a different cherry cultivar on a street that features a lovely run of the same tree. It just seems like lack of care, so frustrating, because, well, who are these people who diminish the beauty of our streets by lack of interest or is it ignorance. Is it willful ignorance? Looking up from 54th, the first photo shows 'Whitcomb' on the west side, which are on the map [edited - we finally caught them in bloom, and they are 'Accolade' and they look stunning in bloom; the map has been corrected], and young 'Akebono' that are also on the map. North of them is a run of 'Ukon', which were mentioned as unknown late bloomers but were not seen in bloom. I caught them when they have finished blooming, but there were plenty of flowers to colour up the street and to make an ID.
Here is a tree that has finished blooming that I can't identify. 'Pandora'? It had lots of flowers. Seems too healthy for 'Accolade' and the limbs seems too straight, not graceful enough for 'Akebono'. It's next to 6950 Laurel, to the south.