I had this plant when I was working in an office that had large windows that had lots of light. It grew wild. When I left the office I took it home where it wad deprived of its conditions and has almost died. I really want to find out how to save the few pieces I have left. In order to do that I really need to know the name of the plant (see I got a piece of the plant from my coworker, and she didn't know its name) I thank you in advance for the help! LadyD
Does it flower? My impulse is to identify it as "Drunkard's Dream"...gimme a minute and I'll dig up the sci. name. Terrific specimen! Hatiora salicomiodes.
As long as the segments are fairly fresh they should be able to develop roots by themselves without any help. Just place them on top of the soil while keeping the soil moist.
my soil is getting mold or something that appears to mold on it... is that good?? " I am no green thumb ya'll" Miracle grow helped me keep my plants alive so when the soil looks funny.. I don't know if its a good or bad thing... Oh thanks for the help on the plant... It look like Drunkard's Dream... althought that one never flowered... it might not have gotten big enough to flower. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU I believe Kroger had another name for this plant.. but I can't remember what it was. That's why i consulted with ya'll. THANK YOU
Hatiora salicornioides is a cactus so treat it accordingly. Mold may be an indicator of too much moisture in the medium. I grow mine in a gritty mix and use a cactus fertilizer.
could you tell me more about the gritty mix??? thank you... I have some cactus fertilizer... I'll use it and lay off the water
It's mainly pumice (or similar material) and perlite with some potting soil mixed in - I guess typical of a cactus mix.
Maybe check out Pencil Euphobia - Euphorbia tirucalli - Your specimen =love it & would like to have it at my house = it appears to be too upright/ erect in it growth like a shrub rather then as a hanging plant like drunkards dream - Hatiora salicornioides or mistletoe cactus - Rhipsalis cassuthra K
I'm not sure its the one you suggested... it looks too thin... This didn't stalk like that for a couple of months... after it really started growing, I notices the main stalks begin to harden and it really started to grow up right and leaning as well... this is really as far as I let it go because before I left the office, I pieced it up and gave lots of people in my office parts of it. I do remember the one in Kroger having a RH in it... like for Rhipsalis... but I dont remember the other part of the name. I think if anything its definitely related to the Drunkard plant just didn't have a chance to flower.. I'm not sure it was old enough and big enough to flower and I left before June so it was all pieced up by that time. Thanks for the information :) You guys are fantastic!!! I'm learning so much!
It's possible the plant was labeled using the synonym Rhipsalis salicornioides. I believe a period of darkness promotes flowering.