Nice flower - is this cultivated or wild? I'm going to send this thread to a colleague who knows quite a few tropical plants (particularly with this colour of flower), but don't expect a response until early next week.
"Queen's Crape Myrtle", "Kedah Bungor", "Bungor Raya", "Pride of India"................depending on where you are. It's a tropical.
Weekend Gardener, im from the Philippines. so i think theres a slim chance that its from india... i really hav no idea bout this. and can u pls clarify y it has many names? i think Queen's Crape Myrtle is most appropriate considering im in the Philippines... thx again!
Lagerstroemia speciosa = scientific name also called a taxon. The rest are common names which develop locally and are widespread only due to how people use the name in conversation. Local usage could be over a small area, but I would think that weekendgardner would have searched for only those names in widespread use. To confirm the identification (I concur with David from La's L. speciosa), I would do a google image search on the scientific name. Harry
Definitely 'Crepe Myrtle' Lagerstroemia indica. As others have suggested widely grown as an ornamental tree throughout the tropics. As a point of interest Brooklyn Botanic garden has a good collection of Lagerstroemia. I think the heat and humidty of the summers on the eastern seaboard suite them well. David
Lagerstroemia indica, which is cultivated here I would not have thought of. Does look like photos of L. speciosa, however:
ah yes... i would have to agree its Lagerstroemia speciosa (Queen's Crape Myrtle in this case)... thanks for all your help guys. maybe Daniel Mosquin's colleague can verify this too? Feel free to tell what you think everyone. THANKS!