Enjoy the newest walkabout in the DAVIE VILLAGE COMMUNITY GARDEN in Vancouver at http://visualsenses.smugmug.com/gallery/8571291_MQFmN/1/564769489_xdLfC#564769489_xdLfC And maybe we can learn some names of veggies we don't know..I think Community Gardens is the best I experience in towns beside the glamor of manicured parks etc..They are human real and filled with willing to communicate people. Magic !
Wow that is downtown Davie St .. havent seen that in a long time .. i was born and raised in Van BC .. east end .. PNE .. but i have been in Oregon for the last 10 yrs .. met and married a guy from the net .. :) I recognize the store across the street in the pic .. i think it is pretty cool they are doing that .. Marion