Presentazione ...e saluti

Discussion in 'Maples' started by Giuseppe Cristofaro, Feb 7, 2024.

  1. Giuseppe Cristofaro

    Giuseppe Cristofaro New Member Maple Society

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    Catanzaro, italy
    Ciao a tutti...
    Sono molto felice di far parte di questo forum e grazie per avermi accettato... Mi sono iscritto a TMS 10 giorni fa ma sto ancora aspettando feedback...
    Mi chiamo Giuseppe Cristofaro e vivo nel sud Italia, una zona sicuramente limitata per gli aceri giapponesi ma grazie alle particolari circostanze ambientali e strutturali del luogo in cui vivo si crea un microclima tollerato dagli aceri giapponesi. Trovo che siano piante bellissime in ogni stagione, capaci di regalare emozioni e direi pura... dipendenza !!!
    Ho iniziato a coltivarli nel 2021 e da allora è stato uno studio continuo per cercare di capire come fare meno errori possibili e come provare ad allevarli con successo. Grazie alla mia caparbietà, ad alcuni consigli dati dal mio amico Alessandro Biagioli e a qualche lettura fatta, ad oggi sono contento dei risultati raggiunti, con la speranza di imparare sempre di più, confrontandomi e accettando consigli da chi ha più esperienza di me . Mi piace sperimentare e interpretare, non mi sono mai fermato al "si fa così" e basta! i consigli sono sempre un buon punto di partenza per rielaborare e provare a fare meglio.
    Non ho molto spazio a disposizione perché abito nel centro storico della mia città ma sono riuscita a sfruttarlo al meglio... ho un piccolo giardino e un'aiuola dove ho piantato alcune cultivar e un cortile abbastanza ampio dove tengo gli aceri in vaso.
    Nonostante lo spazio limitato coltivo circa 130 cultivar di tutte le dimensioni, 170 aceri giapponesi in totale.
    Ho postato alcune foto ...le ultime tre sono del mio cortile nelle tre stagioni d'interesse.
    Sul mio profilo instagram (maples_italy) ho postato qualche altra foto.

    Un saluto a tutti i membri del gruppo e soprattutto grazie ancora per avermi accolto nel forum .

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  2. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    Lovely Giuseppe, but please see my personal message re posting in English.
    Giuseppe Cristofaro likes this.
  3. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    (I have translated @giuseppe Cristofarose posting for forum members this time.)

    Hi everyone...
    I'm very happy to be part of this forum and thank you for accepting me... I signed up to TMS 10 days ago but I'm still waiting for feedback...
    My name is Giuseppe Cristofaro and I live in southern Italy, an area that is certainly limited for Japanese maples but thanks to the particular environmental and structural circumstances of the place where I live a microclimate is created that is tolerated by Japanese maples. I find that they are beautiful plants in every season, capable of giving emotions and I would say pure... addiction!!!
    I started growing them in 2021 and since then it has been a continuous study to try to understand how to make as few mistakes as possible and how to try to breed them successfully. Thanks to my stubbornness, some advice given by my friend Alessandro Biagioli and some reading done, to date I am happy with the results achieved, with the hope of learning more and more, comparing myself and accepting advice from those who have more experience than me. I like to experiment and interpret, I've never stopped at "this is how it's done" and that's it!...but advice is always a good starting point to rework and try to do better.
    I don't have much space available because I live in the historic center of my city but I managed to make the most of it... I have a small garden and a flowerbed where I planted some cultivars and a fairly large courtyard where I keep the maples in pots.
    Despite the limited space I grow around 130 cultivars of all sizes, 170 Japanese maples in total.
    I posted some photos...the last three are of my yard in the three seasons of interest.
    On my instagram profile (maples_italy) I posted some other photos.
    Greetings to all the members of the group and above all thanks again for welcoming me to the forum.
  4. AlainK

    AlainK Renowned Contributor Forums Moderator Maple Society 10 Years

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    nr Orléans, France (E.U.)
    Welcome to the forum Giuseppe.
    Great photos, your maples look superb.
    Giuseppe Cristofaro likes this.
  5. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    Hi Guiseppe! Auguri!

    puoi usare google per tradurre da o verso l'italiano!

    @alex66 Alessandro is here often! Another friend we may know is -- I won't say his name here -- Elemento Bambù, great stuff!

    Benvenuta and cheers, bellisimo aceri! -Emery
    Giuseppe Cristofaro likes this.
  6. opusoculi

    opusoculi Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Bordeaux sous-west of France
    Such a number, that is incredible . Beautiful result, bravo !
    Giuseppe Cristofaro likes this.
  7. Giuseppe Cristofaro

    Giuseppe Cristofaro New Member Maple Society

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    Catanzaro, italy
    thank you .
    I'm trying not to buy any more...but I can't...‍♂️‍♂️
    today I noticed that something is already moving prematurely... my Mila has removed a few leaves outside... she is this year's winner...Let's hope well

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    AlainK and Acerholic like this.
  8. AlainK

    AlainK Renowned Contributor Forums Moderator Maple Society 10 Years

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    nr Orléans, France (E.U.)
    I know the feeling... ;^)
    Giuseppe Cristofaro likes this.

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