They do that. Could be one or more of several reasons: too moist, maybe. Mine get buds that grow and develop into blossoms, but they also get a few that just lose interest and fall off. Judging by your photos, your plant is OK---looks good and healthy. Keep taking care of it, and someday it will bloom for you.
ok thanks. I guess I can see my grandmas blooms. My cutting off of mine is , I think, starting to grow roots.
Yay the cutting has little roots that are atleast a cm long. Maby if I can grow it it will flower like mine did before.
I know there's been no posts here since 2010. If anyone see this, here's a decent web site with some info..... Commercial Producton of Holiday Cacti Also, I leave mine outside from late May until October. I let them stay out until they've had at least a week in the 34F. to 38F. range. The cooler temps always seem to trigger bud set for me. Perhaps it's also the shorter days, but I think the chillier temps are more important.
I'll just add that the link in the previous posting is from the UMass Extension Greenhouse Crops and Floriculture Program, a site mentioned but not linked to in an earlier posting.