Hi I have a very large lemon tree in my front garden in Spain, which came with the house we purchased. It is in the ground and is quite over grown, as the house was empty for over 6 months, My question is how do I trim it without killing it? Also do I have to water it or anything? I have attached some piccies for you. Thank you and any help will be much appreciated. Zoe
Hi Zoe, Congratulations on your new home. I can't tell exactly from the pics, but the leaves look a bit yellow to me. Might be a nutrient deficiency. You can prune off dead wood at any time. Generally citrus doesn't need much pruning, but you can shape the tree the way you want it. Here's a site that shows how to make pruning cuts and another that should be helpful about pruning. http://www.dirtgardener.com/TipSheets/CitrusPruning.html http://www.na.fs.fed.us/spfo/pubs/howtos/ht_prune/prun001.htm If I'm correct about the color of the leaves, this site should be helpful. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/CH142 Newt