Riley Park

Discussion in 'VCBF Neighbourhood Blogs' started by Sarah Ellis, Mar 16, 2008.

  1. Laura Blumenthal

    Laura Blumenthal Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC, Canada
    Hmm. Again, I don't see any difference, but I don't have that much knowledge.
  2. Lisa L

    Lisa L Well-Known Member

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    Vancouver, B.C.
    Back To QE on Thursday. This is the Shirofugen on the right side or South side. Youngish tree the reddish leaves are now turning green, slowly, and the once white flowers are turning pink. No flowers on the ground yet. Probably because it has gotten a bit cooler??
    Shirofugen_qe 33rd west entrance_llennie_20240425_105841.jpg Shirofugen_qe 33rd west entrance_llennie_20240425_105857.jpg Shirofugen_qe 33rd west entrance_llennie_20240425_105924.jpg Shirofugen_qe 33rd west entrance_llennie_20240425_105944.jpg Shirofugen_qe 33rd west entrance_llennie_20240425_105949.jpg Shogetsu_QE 33rd west entrance_ llennie_20240425_110008.jpg
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2024
    Acerholic likes this.
  3. Lisa L

    Lisa L Well-Known Member

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    Vancouver, B.C.
    The white flowering tree on the left or north side. Shogetsu? or Ichiyo? The petals are very frilly so more like Shogetsu....but the petioles are not really super long. The green phylloid centre is sometimes single, but not always.......No petals or intact flowers on the ground on Thursday. Last visit I was thinking they looked a lot like the Ichiyo at VD, but this week.....?
    Shogetsu_QE 33rd west entrance_ llennie_20240425_105956.jpg Shogetsu_QE 33rd west entrance_ llennie_20240425_110008.jpg Shogetsu_QE 33rd west entrance_ llennie_20240425_110016.jpg Shogetsu_QE 33rd west entrance_ llennie_20240425_110025.jpg Shogetsu_QE 33rd west entrance_ llennie_20240425_110033.jpg Shogetsu_QE 33rd west entrance_ llennie_20240425_110046.jpg Shogetsu_QE 33rd west entrance_ llennie_20240425_110055.jpg Shogetsu_QE 33rd west entrance_ llennie_20240425_110101.jpg
    Acerholic likes this.
  4. Lisa L

    Lisa L Well-Known Member

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    Vancouver, B.C.
    Kiku-zakura. Coming out into blossom. No sign of the warblers....but it was such a rainy day there were not a lot of birds out.....
    Kiku zakura_QE Duck pond_llennie_20240425_110349.jpg Kiku zakura_QE Duck pond_llennie_20240425_110413.jpg Kiku zakura_QE Duck pond_llennie_20240425_110428.jpg Kiku zakura_QE Duck pond_llennie_20240425_110440.jpg Kiku zakura_QE Duck pond_llennie_20240425_110455.jpg Kiku zakura_QE Duck pond_llennie_20240425_110501.jpg Kiku zakura_QE Duck pond_llennie_20240425_110513.jpg
    Last edited by a moderator: May 4, 2024
    Acerholic and Laura Blumenthal like this.
  5. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    It doesn't look like it's going to be there long enough to worry about, but for the record, the last photo clinches it for me as 'Shogetsu'. I think petioles are shorter with colder weather.
  6. Lisa L

    Lisa L Well-Known Member

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    Vancouver, B.C.
    thanks.....if it stays cool it may be there longer than we think!!
  7. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    I meant the tree itself is not looking like it has a long life ahead.
  8. Lisa L

    Lisa L Well-Known Member

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    Vancouver, B.C.
    OH, true! LOL
  9. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Those 'Kiku-zakura' trees are in full bloom now, or a little past.
    Kiku-zakura_QEPark-across from duck pond_Cutler_20240503_140616.jpg Kiku-zakura_QEPark-across from duck pond_Cutler_20240503_140659.jpg Kiku-zakura_QEPark-across from duck pond_Cutler_20240503_140710.jpg Kiku-zakura_QEPark-across from duck pond_Cutler_20240503_140712.jpg Kiku-zakura_QEPark-across from duck pond_Cutler_20240503_140724.jpg

    'Shogetsu' in this area have been posted every year in this thread since 2020, and before that in 2014 and 2015. Most of the photos have been excellent. Nobody has called any trees in this area 'Ichiyo'. I can't tell which is the exact tree you've posted, @Lisa L, but the trees that still have flowers in the area north of the 33rd entrance are 'Shiro-fugen' and 'Shogetsu', alternating in these photos, 'Shogetsu' aging to white with brown edges.
    Shiro-fugen and Shogetsu_QE Park_Cutler_20240503_144753.jpg Shiro-fugen and Shogetsu_QE Park_Cutler_20240503_144937.jpg
    These are 'Shiro-fugen'.
    Shiro-fugen_QE Park_Cutler_20240503_145044.jpg Shiro-fugen_QE Park_Cutler_20240503_145101.jpg Shiro-fugen_QE Park_Cutler_20240503_144905.jpg Shiro-fugen_QE Park_Cutler_20240503_144918.jpg
    These are 'Shogetsu'.
    Shogetsu_QE Park_Cutler_20240503_144827.jpg Shogetsu_QE Park_Cutler_20240503_145019.jpg

    There is a grove of six young 'Shiro-fugen' to the south of the 33rd entrance, next to Kersland St.
    Shiro-fugen_QE Park at Kersland_Cutler_20240503_145325.jpg Shiro-fugen_QE Park at Kersland_Cutler_20240503_145344.jpg Shiro-fugen_QE Park at Kersland_Cutler_20240503_145347.jpg Shiro-fugen_QE Park at Kersland_Cutler_20240503_145400.jpg
    This is the only one that is low grafted.
    Shiro-fugen_QE Park at Kersland_Cutler_20240503_145414.jpg

    There used to be three 'Kiku-shidare-zakura' either on the east side of Kersland or along the drive from the 33rd parking arrea to the parking farther south. They were never destined to live more than five years, with the avium rootstock taking over right from the get-go, and they are are now gone. Since I never could remember which drive they were next to, I'm not sure if they were replaced by the 'Shiro-fugen' above or the five 'Kanzan' below, which are south of the parking area.
    Kanzan_QE Park south of 33rdAve parking_Cutler_20240503_145931.jpg
    Acerholic likes this.

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