Help, In early June I planted 2 rose of sharons. Both of them bloomed beautifully but now the leaves are turning yellow and falling off. Is this normal?
These often turn out to need pretty substantial moisture and fertility levels, even though you see larger, older ones around growing with little attention.
Thanks, you mentioned fertility levels. Should I be using some kind of fertilizer for these new rose of sharons. What kind of fertilizer?
Could be very normal if it came out of a shaded nursery row into full sun. I had a Styrax tree defoliate because of that, about 5 years ago.
I have a Rose Of Sharon and it bloomed really well the last two years. This year it has not budded out and there are yellow spots on the branches and the branches look dried out. Can anyone tell me what this would be? There is new growth coming out at the bottom. Help....Please!!!!