I see notes for dormant oil generally "do not use on sensitive plants" and maple is listed as one of the sensitive plants. I have maple leaf galls on my maples and a similar gall on my lindens. Treatment says, "spray with dormant oil" I've read eslewhere of people using dormant oils on maples, but can't find it now. What brands/types of horticultural oil are useful agains leaf galls and are safe for maple trees?
I'd also like to know the answer for oils: I haven't ever dared, but clearly I'm going to have a big aphid problem next spring. I've been told sulfur will get rid of mite galls. I was able to get rid of them by cutting off effected leaves and being careful with hygiene (for a year), but it was on a small tree. -E
Neem oil is very popular in the world of bonsaI, but almost impossible to find as a pesticide in France.