Seed exchange '24

Discussion in 'Maples' started by kgeezy20, Jan 26, 2024.

  1. kgeezy20

    kgeezy20 Active Member Maple Society

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    Tennessee, United States
    Has anyone in North America received their seeds from the exchange yet?

  2. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    Hi Kyle,

    Did the Maple Society of North America have a seed exchange? Or did you sign up for the "International" exchange on the web site?

  3. kgeezy20

    kgeezy20 Active Member Maple Society

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    Tennessee, United States
    I signed up for the international one as I have for several years now. I usually get the seeds in mid January.
  4. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    That's the 2023 exchange, just so we're on the same page.

    I'm afraid I don't have very good news. I wasn't really involved with the MS last year, but now I am again, with the British and Irish branch. So we're trying to straighten things out. Last year, the MS reorganized, and because of governance problems at TIMS, there was no seed distribution organized from the UK, which is where the seed has traditionally come from. Basically, there was no arrangement for anyone to collect seed. In spite of this, they left the sign-up active on the website. In France, people pooled JM seed, and sent stamped-self-addressed envelopes to the guy distributing, as well as having them pay using paypal. So the French participants paid twice, because the program is a benefit, and the payment is used to cover postage; the rest is all done on a volunteer basis (and is a lot of work, too). No one really even kept track of who had signed up on paypal.

    TMSBI is an independent organization, with our own record keeping, banking, charitable status etc, just as TMSNA (formerly NAB) is. So we're currently trying to figure out how to refund our members who paid in good faith. And how to organize the distribution for 2024, which is to say, to decide whether we will continue to send seed outside of our geographical area, or whether we should ask separate branches to organize their own distributions -- for example, TMSNA could do a really excellent exchange, without running into some of the potential legal issues that arise from from sending seed into the US.

    Anyway it's all a mess, and there's a lot to unpick. TIMS has made changes, so I feel sure things will be improving, and TMSNA has been really active and organized under their new governance. I would recommend, for a start, contacting Bill, Marielle or Robin and seeing if TMSNA will just refund you directly. If that doesn't work, I'm happy to push some buttons on our side of the pond, but since TMSBI wasn't involved in collection or banking of funds, there's not much we can do as an organization.

    Still, I hope we will decide to continue to send seed outside our area -- this is not a pending decision, we have too much else to do first -- and you'll continue to participate.

    Best, -Emery
    AlainK likes this.
  5. kgeezy20

    kgeezy20 Active Member Maple Society

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    Tennessee, United States
    Yikes, thank you for the update. That is very disappointing to hear, but I am hopeful a resolution that allows it to continue is realized in the year.
  6. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    You're welcome, full transparence and all that. I'm very hopeful (and even quite confident) for the future of the Maple Society. I'll try and come back to you with an update once we make a decision.

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