This is only a marginally legal posting - I do know the genus, but not the species. They're popping up now in parks and gardens. It's so exciting to see them.
Hmmm! Left it a week hoping for inspiration. None came. Seems everyone else is in the same position! Time for help. A clue or something. Is it a tree, shrub, or perennial... what has got you excited? Help!
Sorry, I can't post any other bits until I get home next tuesday. It's from the tip of a large inflorescence of a plant that people always remark on once it returns in the spring. Thanks for mentioning your interest.
Yes, it is Gunnera. I can post other photos next week. I can't run the contest to identify it any further than that, since I don't know the species, so Lysichiton, you win.
wcutler......Now you have to do YOUR homework to work out whether it is Gunnera manicata or Gunnera tinctoria! Years ago we went round a very good small nursery and found this dear creeping wee plant called Unnera prorepens. We asked about it... only to be told they had missed the G from the label ... it was Gunnera prorepens! Duh! Since then we have always called them all Unners!
Since this thread has become entirely about distinguishing Gunnera manicata from G. tincturia, I have moved most of the contents to the Plants ID forum, this thread:Gunnera but which? Manicata or tincturia; was stumper: seen around town now I, for one, will be more likely to look for it there next year and it may be of interest to people who don't look at stumpers.