In cooler areas the crimson will indeed later turn into a purple red. If we got some light frosts, not heavy frosts, with some sunlight during the day we saw our plants turn the beautiful purple red colors. The yellow cast green form will turn more of a scarlet red after the golds and oranges are seen. It did for us. If the right conditions persist, this form can end up turning a purple red also. It is this form that goes through the most color changes of the three forms of Seiryu that I know of. In the early years in the US many nurserymen did not like Seiryu as to them it did not cascade enough to suit them. Seiryu was Don Kleim's favorite of all of the green dissectums and honestly he never really wanted to sell it to anyone. Don liked everything about that Maple. He had at least 40 of them (all three forms of Seiryu) planted throughout his 13 acre nursery. Jim
Hi PG: We will need to see the Fall colors of both trees as well as the Spring colors to have a better idea as to which Maples you have, if indeed both are named varieties at this point in time. I am pretty sure I know the second Maple but I am not positive of it yet and may not be even after seeing the Spring colors of it. Jim
My oldest... and largest 'Seiryu' on 11-21-04. Obtained from Harold Johnston, it's nearly 10' tall but has yet to show any fall color, this year.
More 'Seiryu' pics Here are some of my favorite 'Seiryu' shots. A smaller tree that I grafted. In the last images my legless friend is motivating towards 'Viridis'.
Here are spring foliage pictures for the my first tree. First picture was made 2 weeks earlier than the other two. Thanks for any suggestions. PG
Mr. Shep, Here is my thought: 1) The red tree has green trunks, leaving out two weeks later than my Inaba shidare with green tone, leave color is dark purplish-red color in summer but becomes greener in shade, looks like a strong growing dissectum structure. A Crimson Queen? Or a Garnet? Or a grafted seedling performs close to above two? 2) Compared the green tree's spring and fall leaves color to the pictures of Viridis in the Esveld site, I saw a good similarity there. The only thing I found it is not easy to convince myself is that its leaves have red tone in summer. Even though I strongly suspect it is a grafted seedling, it seems it will not against the generally accepted definition of Viridis. So it is a viridis? As a newbie, I feel it is difficult to ID a maple even you gave me many hints. Maybe the learning curve is huge and need people's practice, practice and practice. Thanks, PG
I have just updated my website with more maple pics. Seiryu has 9 pictures in all which show the many different colours I am getting on this marvellous maple. It is worth taking a look Seiryu pics
The green dissectum, which I thought it a viridis in last post, has developed some red tones on its leave tips. This morning, I found it is growing a couple of complete red leaves. Any ideas?