I have a total destruction of the leaves on my snowball tree this year..the pest looks like a small grub or catipillar,..I have been washing the leaves with green palmolive soap solution but it does not help..can anyone suggest a next step
thank you..read thru the article but it does not recommend a brand of inceticidal sopa..any thoughts...
Good day....Looks as if the larvae have done there bussiness on your vibernum. I went over to our local nursery in Chilliwack, BC and they mentioned that Malethion or Diazanon (spelling?) should work if mixed with water per directions and soaking the soil around the shrub base.
Looks like I have lost the battle.. a couple of questions.. Will the tree come back again in the spring What can I do in the spring to prevent this again Thanks
Yes, it is likely to come back. If you've ever seen the devastation of armyworms on the Prairies where they defoliate almost every single broadleaf tree and shrub, you'll be a bit more comforted to know that plants are resilient. As for what you can do - see my previous note (requiring a bit of diligence and vigilance)
and Diazinon is not available nor registered for use in most of North America since like 2004. Malathion may do the job.